Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Difference between True Hope and Flimsy Wishes - Ibn al-Qayyim (رحمه الله)

Ibn al-Qayyim:

“Whoever hopes in something then that hopes necessitates three things:

1. Love of who or what one hopes in

2. Fear of losing what is hoped for

3.Striving to attain what one hopes for the best of one’s ability

As for the hope that does not have any of this, then it is in fact, from the mere, flimsy wishes rather than true hope in Allaah. Hope is one thing and false wishes is another thus everyone who hopes (in Allaah) fears (disobeying Him)…”

Source: Ad-Daa’wa ad-Dawaa’ (p. 59)

@Aboo RuqayyahAMK

1:59 AM - 17 January 2016