Tuesday, November 14, 2017

"How Allah Raises the Rank of an Individual through knowledge..."

Story of Muhammad al-Awqas رحمه الله

How Knowledge Raises the Rank of Individuals

Ibn ul-Qayyim رحمه الله تعالى mentioned in among the virtues of knowledge and how it raises the rank of an individual, the story of Muhammad bin ‘Abdurrahman al-Awqas.

It is mentioned his physical appearance was displeasing to the eye, he was short, his neck was buried in his body, almost non-existent, to the extent it is reported that on one occasion a woman walked by him as he was making du’a, “O Allah free my neck from the Fire”, so she said, “O my brothers son, and what neck do you have?!”

His shoulders were protruding out of normal bodily shape, so his mother said to him: “O my son,you will not be in a gathering of the people except that you are the one mocked and ridiculed, so upon you is to seek knowledge, for indeed it will raise you.”

In another version she said to him, “The knowledge of religion will complete your deficiency, and remove your imperfection”,he said, “So Allah benefitted me with her statement, and I learned knowledge, and became a Judge”.

Furthermore, it is mentioned he was a judge of Makkah for 20 years, and that when the indicted sat before him, they would be shaking until they arose to leave!

140/1 الفقيه و المتفقه ،469/1 مفتاح دار السعادة


Source: https://twitter.com/AbuMuadhTaqweem/media, 12/6/17, 2:47 PM