Imaam ibn
al-Qayyim (d.751H) رحمه الله stated:
“It is known that the sinner only harms himself, but as
for the innovator (in the religion) he harms many and his tribulation and harms
is in the foundations of (a person’s) religion whereas the tribulation of the
sinner is in regards to his desires. As for the innovator, he lies in wait in
order to block the people from the straight path, however the sinner is not
like that. The innovator rejects the attributes of the Lord and His perfection
and the sinner is not like that. The innovator contradicts what the Messenger came with and the sinners is not like that. The innovator cutts off the path
to the hereafter (Paradise) from the people and the sinner (only) delays his
journey to (Paradise) due to his sins.”
[Ad-Daa’waad-Dawaa’ pgs. 331-332, Dār ‘Aalim al-Fawaaid print, 2nd edition]
Markaz Muaadh Ibn Jabal Islamic Centre
January 2019 . 11:32 AM