27 Feb 2019, 9:43 PM
Safeguarding One’s
Tongue is the Foundation of Every Good
Concerning the Hadīth of the Prophet ﷺ:
ألا أخبرك بملاك ذلك كله؟ قلت: بلى، فأخذ ﷺ بلسانه
فقال: كف عليك هذا
فقال: كف عليك هذا
Shall I not inform you of that which is inclusive of all this? I (the narrator) said: ‘Of course.’ He grabbed hold of his tongue and said: Restrain this!
Al-Hāfidh Ibn Rajab said:
indicates that restraining the tongue, controlling it, and safeguarding it is
the foundation of every good. And that he who controls his tongue has mastery
over all his affairs, has them set in order and under control.
Jāmi’ Al-‘Ulūm
Trans. By Raha Batts
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