Thursday, July 11, 2019

Restraint of the Tongue & Private Parts

Restraint of the Tongue & Private Parts: 

Allaah’s Messenger [Sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam] said, “Whoever can guarantee the [chastity of] what is between his two jaw bones & what is between his two legs, I guarantee Paradise for him”.

[Al-Bukhaari. Hadeeth Number 6474]

Imaam Abdul-Azeez Bin Baaz [rahimahullaah] said:

This requires two affairs: profuse remembrance [of Allaah]; keeping away from gatherings of heedlessness & doubts, & from that which will result in fornication & nonsense speech.

Al-Hulalul Ibreeziyyah Min At-Ta’liqaat Al-Baaziyyah Alaa Saheeh al-Bukhari. Vol 4. Page: 244. Footnote: 2 

March 30, 2019 @ 2:21 PM