Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tremendous Advice

:نصيحة عظيمة

Tremendous Advice:

:قال الحافظ ابن جماعة رحمه الله

Al-Haafith Ibn Jamaa’ah said, may Allah have mercy on him:

"ينبغي لطالب العلم أن لا يخالط إلَّا من يفيده أو يستفيد منه،

“It is befitting for the student of knowledge to not associate except with one whom he benefits or is benefitting from,

فإن تعرَّض لصحبة مَن يُضيِّع عمره معه ولا يُفيده ولا يَستفيد منه، ولا يُعينه على ماهو بصدده،

So if he is exposed to the companionship of one whom he wastes his time with and he does not benefit him or benefit from him, and does not help him with what he is attempting to achieve,

فلْيَتَلَطَّفْ في قَطع عِشرته من أوَّل الأمر قبل تَمَكّنها، فإنَّ الأمور إذا تمكَّنت عسرت إزالتها،

Then he should kindly cut ties with him from the beginning of the affair before it becomes established. Verily, affairs, if they become established, it is difficult to remove them.

فإن احتاج إلى من يصحبه فلْيكُنْ صاحباً صالحاً دَيِّناً تَقيِّاً وَرِعاً ذَكِيَّاً،

So if he is need of someone to accompany, then he should be a righteous, religious, pious, intelligent companion.

كثير الخير، قليل الشر، حسن المداراة، قليل المماراة،

Having an abundance of good, a small amount of evil, good manners and little argumentation,

إن نسيَ ذكَّرَه، وإن ذَكَرَ أعانَه، وإن احتاجَ واساه، وإن ضَجِر صبَّره"

If he forgot, he would remind him. If he remembered, he would assist him, and if he was in need  he would support him, and if he was irritated he would try to comfort him.”

تذكرة السامع والمتكلم ص83.

Tathkirah As-Saami’ wa Al-Mutkallim by: Ibn Jamaa’ah p.83

Translated by: Samir Abdullah Al-Oklahomie


Source: https://www.mkhair.org/?p=276