Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Ruling on sitting with a son who does not offer Salah

Ruling on sitting with a son who does not offer Salah

Q: A mother asks about the religious ruling on sitting with her son who does not offer Salah. What is your advice in this regard? May Allah reward you with the best.

A: She should decide the best possible way to treat him; if eating and sitting with this son will help her advise him to observe the religious obligation and perform Salah, she should do her best to achieve that. However, if this way is useless and has no effect on him, she should not eat or sit with him. She should also seek the help of other relatives and righteous people to guide him to the right way or deter him from his wrong way. May Allah save us from this vice. All Muslims should care for and attend the congregationalprayers and the Friday Prayer.


Source: Fatwas of Nur ‘Ala Al-Darb, Volume 11| Book on Salah (Section 6), Part No.11; Page No. 163|alifta.net