Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Distinction of Imaam Bukhaari (rahimahullaah)


A Mother’s Dua’

Imam al-Bukhari’s mother used to worship and make Dua’ a lot. Allaah honoured her and her son remarkably.

Her son Muhammad [Bukhari] lost his eye sight when he was a young and his mother saw Ibraheem al-Khaleel (the Prophet) in a dream and he said to her:

O you, indeed Allaah has returned the eyesight of your son due to your supplicating a lot. In the morning Allaah had returned his eyesight.

[Collected in ‘Sharh Usool Itiqaad ahl ul Sunnah Laalika’aee 9/290]

May Allaah Ta’ala have Mercy on al-Bukhari & his Parents

Translated by: Abbas Abu Yahya / Benefit (Fawaid)

Published on August 9, 2015, 9:03 PM  by