Sunday, August 4, 2019

A Severe Warning Against The Nafs - by Imaam Al-Aajurree رحمه الله

[1.] A Severe Warning Against The Nafs:

Imaam Al-Aajurree said, “It is obligated on the one who hears this [i.e. the warnings found in the divine texts] about the Nafs that he becomes more cautious regarding it than an enemy who wants to murder, take wealth & violate honour”.

[1.2] And if someone says, “Why do you obligated on me to be more cautious of the Nafs until you make its affair more severe than an enemy whose enmity is manifest?”

[1.3] So, it should be said to him [i.e. the questioner in point 1.2], “If the enemy who wants to kill you, take your wealth & violate your honour does so, Allaah will expiate your sins & raise your status in the Aakhirah, but this is not what happens if the Nafs overcomes you.”

[1.4] As for if the Nafs overcomes you through what you desire & what has been made forbidden, it will lead you to destruction in the Dunyaa & the Aakhirah.

[1.5] Therefore, a sensible person strives against his Nafs more than he strives against his enemy. He strives against his Nafs in time of joy and anger, and this is how the Prophet disciplined us in the hadeeth, that “The Mujaahid is the one who strives against his Nafs…”

[1.6] Shaikh Abdur Razzaaq says: You’ll take deeds of the one who overcomes you, kills you, take your wealth & violate your honour, & Allaah will expiate your sins; but if your Nafs overcomes you, you’ll earn Allaah’s Anger. So, look at the difference between the two affairs!!!

Source: Sharh Adabun Nufoos. Lesson 1 – by Shaikh Abdur Razzaaq Al-Badr [hafidhahullaah]

Published on April 3, 2019, 9:08 PM by