Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Kibr is a barrier to submission, Hasad is a barrier to accepting sincere advice & giving it, [uncontrolled] anger is a barrier to justice...

Trans. source: https://salaficentre.com

1: Kibr is a barrier to submission, Hasad is a barrier to accepting sincere advice & giving it, [uncontrolled] anger is a barrier to justice & [evil] desire  is a barrier to allocating time for dedication in worship.

2: When Kibr is removed, it becomes easy on a person to submit; when Hasad is removed, it becomes easy on him to accept sincere advice; when [uncontrolled] anger is removed, it becomes easy on him to be just & humble.

3: When [evil] desire is removed, it becomes easy on him to be patient, chaste & carry out acts of worship.

[Al-Fawaa’id By Imaam Ibnul Qayyim (rahimahullaah). Page 231]  

4/3/19, 5:38 AM