Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Random Quote of the Day

6/6/18, 12:10 AM

Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah [d.728 AH] said:

If a person strove and sought aid from Allaah Ta’ala and adhered to seeking forgiveness and striving, then Allaah will most surely give him from His excellence that which never even crossed his mind.

[Majmoo al Fatawa 11/390]


Saturday, October 27, 2018

The legislative ruling concerning parents forcing their son to marry a woman he doesn’t want to and if he refuses is he considered one who is disobedient to his parents? by Shaykh 'Abd Al-Qādir Ibn Muḥammad al-Junayd حفظه الله

حكم إكراه الوالدين ولدهما على نكاح من لا يريد؟ وإذا رفض هل يكون عاقًا؟
قال الإمام ابن تيمية:
[وليس للأبوين إلزام الولد بنكاح من لا يريد، فإن امتنع فلا يكون عاقًا،
كأكل ما لا يريد]

"اختيارات ابن تيمية" للبعلي (ص:٢٠٠)

١١/٩/١٤٣٩,٩: ص١٦

The legislative ruling concerning parents forcing their son to marry a woman he doesn’t want to and if he refuses is he considered one who is disobedient to his parents?

Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله stated:

And it is not the parent’s right to compel their son to marry someone he doesn’t want to. And if he refuses, he is not considered as being one who is disobedient  to his parents, just like it is impermissible to force him to eat what he doesn’t want to.

Source: “Ikhtiyaraat Ibn Taymiyyah”, al Ba’li, pg. 200


8/4/18, 5:47 PM

Don't teach your family how to sin - Shaykh Uthaymeen

11/12/15, 4:37 PM
Don't teach your family how to sin

Shaykh Uthaymeen رحمه الله said:

If a person has been tested with a sin, it is imperative that he is careful to not let his family see him committing the sin. An example of this is smoking cigarettes. Some people have been tried with this sin and then they smoke in front of their children; thus the children become accustomed to this. And perhaps they will begin to smoke like their parents smoke. Consequently the parent will have directed them towards evil and the sin for this will be upon him. Likewise he will have the sin of everyone who follows him in that until the Day of Judgment.

ص 481/1ج/ أحكام من القرآن الكريم

Translated by Rasheed ibn Estes Barbee


Friday, October 26, 2018

Is it Permissible to Talk to Ones Fiancée over the Telephone?

Originally posted on November 30, 2007 · by FollowingtheSunnah

Is it Permissible to Talk to ones Fiancée over the Telephone?

Answered by the Muhadith, the ‘Allaama, Shaykh of Hadeeth Muhammad Nasr ud-Deen al-Albaani

Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya

This is a translation of the transcript of a question that was asked to Shaykh al-Albaani – may Allaah have mercy upon him.

Shaykh: Yes

Questioner: Assalamu alaykum

Shaykh: wa Alaykum Assalamu wa Rahmatullaahi wa Baraktuhu

Questioner: If you don’t mind is the noble Shaykh al-Albaani there?

Shaykh: He’s with you.

Questioner: Good, if you would allow me O Shaykh I have some questions to ask.

 Shaykh: Go ahead.

Questioner: Is it permissible to talk to my fiancée over the phone?

 Shaykh: have you contracted the marriage yet or not?

 Questioner: not yet.

 Shaykh: It’s not permissible.

Questioner: Not permissible??

 Shaykh: Not allowed.

 Questioner: Even if it’s for advice?

 Shaykh: it’s not permissible.

Questioner: ok is it permissible for me to visit her and sit with her if the Mahram is present?

Shaykh: with a Mahram being present and she comes in front of you wearing a Jilbaab in Hijab, like when she goes out, then it’s allowed, otherwise no.

Questioner: is it possible for her to uncover her face?

Shaykh: it’s possible, if it’s only the face.

Questioner: only the face?

Shaykh: She shouldn’t wear a beautified dress and a short dress etc.

Questioner: ok regarding sitting with her, what is permissible for me to talk to her about?

Shaykh: Do not talk to her except with what you would talk to with other than her.

Questioner: Ok if she asks me for a picture of me, is it ok to give it to her or not?

Shaykh: just like if you asked her for her picture.

Questioner: yes??

Shaykh: I said just like if you asked her for her picture.

Questioner: yeah.

Shaykh: Is it permissible?

Questioner: No. 

Shaykh: and my answer is also no.

Questioner: your answer is no??

Shaykh: no, definitely no.

Questioner: about what??

Shaykh: About what! For the same thing what you said, that you cannot ask her for her picture.

Questioner: yeah.

Shaykh: understand?

Questioner: yeah, yes.

Shaykh: If you understand then stick to it.

Questioner: But O Shaykh sometimes a person is forced to phone her, is this permissible?

Shaykh: I don’t think there is a need, you want to marry her don’t you?

Questioner: For example, is it permissible to phone her for the possibility that I can visit her, at such and such time?

Shaykh: why do want to visit her?! What’s the difference between her and any other woman?

Questioner: Do you mean it’s not allowed to visit her?

Shaykh: O my brother, I say to you what’s the difference between her and any other woman? Why do you want to visit her? You want to marry her; you marry her by requesting it from her guardian.

Questioner: If her guardian is present?

Shaykh: You want to marry her, you marry her by requesting her guardian, if there is an original agreement then you can visit her if the guardian is present, to see her and she sees you, as for visiting her then no!

Questioner: It’s still not allowed to visit even after the engagement?

Shaykh: After the engagement?

Questioner: Yeah.

Shaykh: She remains to be a stranger to you O brother until you perform the marriage contract.

Questioner: Thank you, may Allaah reward you O Shaykh.

Shaykh: And you. 

Questioner: May Allaah be generous to you.

Shaykh: May Allaah protect you… Sallamu alayk.

Questioner: Assalamu alaykum Shaykh

Wa Alaykum Assalamu wa Rahmatullaahi wa Baraktuhu

Taken from: Silsilah Huda wa Noor, tape no. 269 at 10mins.


Ibn Uthaymeen رحمه الله: If you see that Allaah has blessed someone else with wealth, knowledge, health... - Translated by Ustaadh Hassan Somali | Hikmah Publications

If you see that Allāh has blessed someone else with wealth, knowledge, health, position, children or other than this, then say:

اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ مِنْ فَضْلِكَ

O Allāh, I ask You of Your Bounty.

As Allāh said:

“Ask Allāh of His Bounty.”

Source: binothaimeen.net/content/890

Translated by Ustādh Hassan Somali حفظه الله

@hikmahpubs / hikmahpubs.com

10/25/18, 10:11 PM

Shaikh Rabee's astounding statement about lying. May Allah protect him

Abu Ziyad  Khalid Baaqees1 said:

Our Shaikh Rabeehas told me many times. O my Son! By Allah, I cannot imagine that a Salafi lies. I know that it is sometimes permissible to lie to the wife, but still, I could not do it.””

1 Abu Ziyad Khalid Baaqees is the Administrator of the famous Salafi website www.miraath.net. The statement was tweeted by his twitter account @AbuZeiad470 on 27th April 2013.

عديّ بن محمّد

Translated by Adiyy Muhammad 


Thursday, October 25, 2018

The great Imaam, Muhammad bin al-Munkadir (d. 130AH) رحمه الله said:

The great Imaam, Muhammad bin al-Munkadir (d. 130AH) رحمه الله said:

My brother Umar spent the night in prayer (i.e. the tahajjud Salah) and I spent the night massaging my mothers feet, and I would NOT exchange my night with his night.

[Siyar ‘Alaam an-Nubala 5/359]


4/24/18, 8:22 AM

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Cultivating children is not limited to providing food, drink, medicine and clothes... ~ Shaykh Dr. Muhammad ibn Ghālib al-‘Umarī

ليست تربية الأبناء مقتصرة على توفير الطعام والشراب والدواء والملبس.
فهذه – على أهميتها – عناية ظاهره لا صلة لها بتنمية الأخلاق وكسب الصفات.
وإنما أساس التربية ما يكون على الإيمان والعبادة والخلق الحسن.

٧/١٠/١٤٣٩, ٧:٢٤ م

د.محمد بن غالب العُمري

Shaykh Dr. Muhammad ibn Ghālib al-‘Umarī:

Cultivating children  is not limited to providing food, drink, medicine and clothes.

Although this is important, it is [considered] attention which has no apparent connection to the development of character and obtainment of [noble] characteristics.

Rather, the backbone of cultivation is nurturing upon ‘Imān, worship and upright moral character.

Quoted by Shaykh Dr. Muhammad ibn Ghālib al-‘Umarī حفظه الله on 21 June 2018, 8:37 PM via twitter

منيب الصومالي
Translated by: Munīb al-umālī (may Allaah preserve him)


The Ruling on Kissing the Head & Hands of Ones Parents

Originally posted on August 23, 2014 by saadburbank.com

Shaykh Abdul Azeez ibn Baaz rahimahullaah was asked:

Q: Before I go to school in the morning, I kiss the head and hand of my father and  mother. Is there any harm in that, in kissing the hand of ones father  or mother?

A: There is no problem in that inshaaAllaah; however leaving that some of the time is better. Not always, sometimes. Otherwise there is no problem  with that.

[Source: http://www.binbaz.org.sa/mat/9486]

Translated by: Sa`d ibn Dawud ibn Ronald Burbank

Question from a sister to Brother Sa'd (May Allaah preserve him) as added for additional knowledge & benefit it says

 August 1, 2015 at 7:06 pm

Asalaamu alaykum, does the same apply to if you a greeting someone (an elder) and it is customary to kiss their hand? If you can translate a fatwa on this that would be greatly appreciated. Jazaak Allaahu khayraa


August 6, 2015 at 1:37 am

 Wa alaikumus Salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen rahimahullaah said: “There is no harm in kissing ones hand out of respect if they deserve respect; such as the father, or the elderly, or a teacher – unless harm is feared. And it is: that the one whose hand is being kissed becomes amazed with themselves, and sees themselves in a lofty position. In this case, we prevent such – due to this evil.” 

See: Liqaa al-Baab al-Maftooh 30/177

 Shaykh ibn Baaz rahimahullaah was asked:

 “As for kissing the hand then a group from the people of knowledge held it to be disliked, especially if it was habitual. As for if a person were to do so occasionally during some meetings, then there is no harm in that – with a righteous man, or a righteous ruler, or ones father and the like – there is no problem with that. However making it ones customary practice is disliked, and some of the people of knowledge forbade that; if a person was used to always doing it when meeting. As for doing it sometimes then there is no harm in that. And as for prostrating on ones hand – such that a person prostrates on the hand by placing his forehead upon the hand – then this is something forbidden. This is something the people of knowledge call ‘the minor prostration’. This is not permissible; that a person puts his forehead upon another person’s hand and prostrates upon it, no. However kissing it with his mouth – if it is not habitual – rather it was something rare and uncommon, then there is no harm. Because it is reported from the Prophet sallAllaahu `alaihi wa sallam that some of the Companions kissed his hand and his foot. Some of the Companions did that, so the affair is an easy one as long as it is something done in moderation. As for doing so out of habit all of the time then it is disliked or forbidden…”

See: http://www.binbaz.org.sa/node/9379

 BaarakAllaahu feekum

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Random Quote of the Day

Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Taymeyaah رحمه الله  said:

A man/person trying to cause separation between a woman and her husband is from the severest of sins, and it is from the actions of the magicians and it is from the most evil deeds of the devils.

[Majmoo’ al-Fatawaa 23/363]

@MarkazMuaadh | markazmuaadh.com

12/30/17, 9:58 PM

Daily instruction in their language, scripture, history, beliefs and ritual worship. How the Jews in the USA raise their children

Muammad Taqī al-Dīn al-Hilālī رَحِمَهُ اللهُ said:

“Every male and female jewish child in the United States has two schools in which they study. The first is Hebrew school, which they attend daily to study the Hebrew language, Tawrāh, Jewish history, and books of Jewish belief and ritualistic worship. The second is public school that every citizen in the United States attends to attain their full civil rights. These students pass in both schools. As for the children of the ‘Arabs and Muslims, then their parents largely do not care about anything but them obtaining degrees to secure their livelihood. Many of them, especially the wealthy, surrender their sons and daughters to schools propagating Christianity, spending high tuition in addition to depriving their children from the righteous ubringing  that would make them suitable members of their people, conserving their religion and nobility.”

How the Jews in the United States Raise their Children, al Hilālī p. 30-31, 1983

Translation: Ustādh Umar Quinn حفظه الله


Monday, October 22, 2018

How a righteous Society is established and How it is related to choosing a righteous wife ~ Shaykh al-Fawzan (May Allaah protect him)

Shaykh Sālih al-Fawzān said:

“…Know that a righteous society can only be built upon a righteous families and a good houses. Good houses are built upon a righteous wives. It is because of this that the Muslim is obligated to choose a righteous wife…

Source: Friday Khutbah of the Shaykh on 30th Shawwāl 1434

Translated by Adiyy Muhammad حفظه الله


9/11/13, 6:02 PM