Saturday, October 6, 2018

Random Quote of the Day

{إن الله مبتليكم بنهر}

قال قتادة : إن الله يبتلي خلقه بماء يشاء ، ليعلم من يطيعه ممن يعصيه.

وقال: هو نهر بين الأردن وفلسطين.

تفسير ابن أبى حاتم 2498

١/١١/١٤٣٩,ص  ٨:٥٤

أفلا يتدبرون القرآن

{Verily, Allah will test you with a river}

Qatādah (rahimahullah) said:

Verily, Allah will test His creation with whatever He wills, so that He may know who will obey Him and who will disobey Him.

And he said:

It is a river between Jordan & Palestine.


7/14/18, 12:17 PM