Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Some of the effects of jealousy, desires of the self and wanting to be above others. - Shaykh 'Abd Al-Qādir al-Junayd (حفظه الله)

بعض آثار الحسد،وهوى النفس،وطلب العلو على الغير!
قال ابن تيمية في"م.ف"(٧/ ١٩١):
"فإن الإنسان قد يعرف أن الحق مع غيره،ومع هذا يجحد ذلك:
 ١- لحسده إياه
أولطلب علوه عليه -٢
أولهوى النفس -٣
ويحمله ذلك الهوى على:
أن يعتدي عليه -١
ويرد مايقول بكل طريق -٢
وهو في قلبه يعلم أن الحق معه"


١٤/١٢/١٤٣٩,م  ٨:١٣


Some of the effects of jealousy, desires of the self and wanting to be above others.

Ibn Taimiyah رحمه الله stated in Majmoo’ al Fataawa, pg. 191, v. 7:

‘Verily an individual may know that the truth is with another person, yet despite knowing this, he rejects it due to:

1. Having jealousy of the other person.
2. Or Seeking to be above the other person.
3. Or due to desires of his soul.

And these desires of the soul cause him to:

1. Violate the rights of this individual.
2. Reject what he says utilizing all means.

All the while knowing in his heart that the truth is with the other person.'


8/26/18, 9:06 AM
