Tuesday, August 21, 2018

What the Prophet ﷺ Did When He Heard Music

عن نافع قال: سمع ابن عمر مزمارا قال: فوضع إصبعيه على أذنيه،
ونأى عن الطريق وقال لي: يا نافع هل تسمع شيئا ؟
قال:فرفع إصبعيه من أذنيه وقال:
<< كنت مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فسمع مثل هذا فصنع مثل هذا >>
 رواه أبو دَاوُدَ وصححه الألباني.


Shaikh ʿAlī al-addādī, may Allāh protect him, said:

From Nāfiʿ [who] said: Ibn ʿUmar heard the sound of a wind instrument.

[Nāfiʿ then] said: Then he  put his two fingers in his ears and moved away from the pathway and [after some time] said to me: O Nāfiʿ, do you hear anything?

[Nāfiʿ] said: Then I said no.

[Nāfiʿ then] said: So he removed his two fingers  from his ears and said: I was with the Prophet [when] he heard  something similar to this and acted in a similar  way.”

Abū Dawūd narrated it, and Al-Albānī rated it “aī [authentic].

Translated/Edited by Mikail ibn Mahboob Ariff
Source: twitter.com/amri3232. 30 Nov 17. 11:44 am.
NB: Title from (Transl./Ed.)

The Official English Twitter Feed

6/13/18, 1:07 PM