Monday, August 6, 2018

I have two wives, must I slaughter two animals for Eidhul Adhaa?

Fataawa al Lajnatud Daaimah – No. 13766

I have two wives; must I slaughter an Udhiyyah (Eid sacrificial animal) for each household?

Q: I have two wives and each wife is in a separate house; although these two houses are next to each other and is only seperated by a wall and sometimes we all gather in one house and eat together. My question is, is it valid that I slaughter one Udhiyyah for both families or is it a must that there be an Udhiyyah for each household?

A: The Sunnah is that a man suffices with one Udhiyyah on behalf of himself and his family. That which proves this is what has been reported by Ammaarah ibn Abdillah who said: I heard ‘Ataa ibn Yasaar say: I asked Ayyub al Ansaaree radi Allahu Anhu, how was the slaughtering for the Eid in the time of the messenger of SallaAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam? He said “A man would slaughter a sheep on his behalf and on behalf of his household and they would eat from it and feed others until the people began to compete with one another and the affair became as you see now.” Reported by at Tirmidhee in his Jaami’, also see ‘Aaridatul Ahwadhee 6/304.

Furthermore, you being a person who has two wives in separate houses, both of them are considered from your household and one sheep is valid on behalf of you all. This is because the prophet SallaAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam slaughtered a ram (for Eid al Adhaa) on behalf of himself and on behalf of his household and the households of the prophet SallaAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam were numerous  and each of the homes of his wives  were separated from each other. And with Allah is the success, and may Allah’s prayers and salutations be upon our prophet Muhammad, his family, followers and companions.

Fataawa al Lajnatud Daaimah – No. 19198

Translated by Anwar Wright

Source:, 9/28/13, 9:13 PM