Sunday, August 26, 2018

Fudayl bin ‘Iyaad’s Advice to a 60-Year Old Man

 Fudayl bin ‘Iyaad’s Advice to a 60-Year Old Man

Fudayl Ibn ‘Iyaad رحمه الله said to a man: “How many (years) have come upon you?”

The man said: “60 years”.

Fudayl said: “So since 60 years you are heading toward your Lord, and you are on the verge of arriving”.

So the man said: “Indeed to Allah we belong and indeed to Him we return”.

Fudayl said: “Do you know the meaning of that?” You are saying that I am a servant of Allah and to Him I will return, so whomsoever knows he is a servant of Allah, and that to Him he will return, then let him be aware that he will stand before Him, and whomsoever is aware that he will stand before Him then let him be aware that he will be questioned, and whomsoever is aware he will be questioned then let him prepare an answer to the question”.

So the man said: “So what is the strategy?”

Fudayl said: “Easy”.

The man said: “What is it?”

Fudayl said: “Be righteous in what remains and you will be forgiven for what has passed, for indeed of you incur evil in what remains (i.e. no repentance and continuation upon wrong doing) then you will be held accountable upon it and that which has passed”.

٣٨٣ جامع العلوم و الحكم لابن رجب الحنبلي ص


8/8/15, 11:58 PM