Monday, August 6, 2018

A Reminder about Good Company & its Benefits

Shaykh ʿAbd Al-Ramān b. Nāir Al-Saʿdī – Allāh have mercy on him – said:

Every person must have companions and partners whom he meets  and spends much of his time  with, so take advantage of being with those who are good, through whose company you will never cease to either  learn some knowledge, or get advice from which you benefit , or be involved in what draws a person  closer to Allāh. At the very least, you will be safe from wrong speech and action and their consequences. At the same time, you will be safe from them ever mocking or deriding you, whether in your presence or behind your back. All this, and you will obtain that great advantage: the desire in your heart for good will grow, and the temptation for bad will weaken or disappear, for ‘a person is on the dīn of his close friends, so let everyone examine who he befriends.’ You will also obtain the praise of the people, and a good reputation , because people judge people by their partners. So a man can rightfully be proud of accompanying good people. And beware of accompanying bad people, for they have the opposite effect of what we mentioned.

The good companion, then, is like the carrier of musk, either he will give you some perfume, or you will smell a pleasant scent from him; but the bad companion is like the blower of bellows: he will either burn  you or you will smell a bad smell from him.

And Allāh knows best.

Al-Saʿdī, ʿAbd Al-Ramān b. Nāir. Nūr Al-Baāʾir. Pp74, 75

@owaisalhashimi |
Originally posted on 12/1/17, 3:39 PM.