Aqidah, Manhaj, Behaviour and Da’wah
Shaykh Rabee’ said, “And a people are granted success in
aqeedah but they waste manhaj and a people are granted success in both aqeedah
and manhaj but in their behaviour (sulook), they waste both the aqeedah waste
the manhaj. So beware of opposition to the Messenger (صلى
الله عليه وسلم) in his aqeedah, manhaj and in his da’wah. “
In the lecture, “Enticement to Love and Unity” – as cited in
al-Durar al-Bahiyyah of Abu Mu’aadh
Hasan al-Mardawi (p. 112).
@abuiyaadsp, 1/8/15, 10:05 PM