Monday, September 30, 2019

Random Quote of the Day

Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen رحمه الله:

You may find a man who is trustworthy in fulfilling the rights of Allāh, he prays, he gives zakah, he fasts, he performs hajj, he remembers Allāh much, glorifies Allāh, however in regards to money (issues) he is not trustworthy.”

٢ /٤٧٣ شرح رياض اصالحين

PD on 28 Feb 2018, 8:28 PM /@MarkazMuaadh

Traits of the allies of Allah- Imaam Ath-Thahabi

Originally posted on August 16, 2016 by SALAFICENTRE NIGERIA


 قال الذهبي رحمه الله:

Ath-Thahabi may Allah have mercy on him said:

حفظ اللسان وملازمة الذكر وترك مخالطة العامة والبكاء على الخطيئة والتلاوة بالترتيل والتدبر ومقت النفس وذمها في ذات الله...

Guarding the tongue, and the constant pursuance of the remembrance (of Allah), and leaving off intermingling with the laymen, and crying because of sins, and the recitation of the Quraan with beautification and pondering (upon its meanings), and detesting the soul and blaming it for the sake of Allah

والإكثارمن الصوم المشروع ودوام التهجد والتواضع للمسلمين وصلة الرحم والسماحة وكثرة البشر والإنفاق مع الخصاصة...

and increasing in the legislated fasting, and consistency upon the night prayer, and showing humility towards the Muslims and connecting the ties of relation between the family, and pardoning, and an abundance of smiling and spending in times of poverty

وقول الحق المربرفق وتؤدة والأمر بالمعروف والأخذ بالعفو والإعراض عن الجاهلين والرباط بالثغر وجهاد العدو وحج البيت وتناول الطيبات في الأحايين وكثرة الاستغفار في السحر...

and the statement of bitter truth with gentleness and deliberateness, and commanding with good, and pardoning and turning away from the ignorant, and guarding the post, and fighting the enemy, and making the pilgrimage to the House, and eating the good and wholesome (halaal) at all times, and the abundance of seeking forgiveness in the last portion of the night (before fajr)

فهذه شمائل الأولياء وصفات المحمديين...

These are the traits of the allies (of Allah) and the characteristics of the followers of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

أماتنا الله على محبتهم.

May Allah cause us to die upon loving them.

سير أعلام النبلاء (١٢/٩٠)

Siyar Alaam An-Nubalaa (12/90)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Surah Fātihah, the greatest Surah, comprises of:

Surah Fātihah, the greatest Surah, comprises of:

1. 3 categories of Tawhīd
2. Belief in Qadar
3. Belief in Last Day
4. 2 conditions of worship
5. Importance of Dua
6. Following the Sunnah
7. Rejection of atheism
8. Pillars of worship
9. Danger of Bidah
10. 5 names of Allāh

Written by Ustādh Abu Abdillāh Hasan Somali for @hikmahpubs on Jan 5, 2019, 4:52 AM