Monday, August 6, 2018

Shaikh Zaid Al-Madkhalī on What it Takes to Be a True Friend

Shaikh Zaid Al-Madkhalī on True Friendship

Shaikh Zaid Al-Madkhalī, may Allāh have mercy on him, said:

A true friend is one who helps  his brother as much as he can, even if [that were only] with some words of goodness and purity.

He helps him with advice for his soul, and when he forgets something, he reminds him, thereby fulfilling  the rights of friendship, especially with regard to religious matters – he reminds him, advises him sincerely [wanting good for him], and renders him whatever is considered good [in Islām].

So all of that is from being a true friend.

As for [one who,] when you forget, he does not remind you, and when you are in need, he does not help you, he has not fulfilled the rights of friendship, since he does not know its value and what it takes to be a true friend.

Translated by Mikail Mahboob Ariff
Source: ‘Awn Al-Aad Al-amad bi Shar Al-Adab Al- Mufrad, vol. 1 p, 166.

12 Feb 2016 // 5:52 PM