Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Want to give the devil a seizure? Remember Allaah always and fill your heart with the light of eemaan!

Ibn Muflih al-Hanbalee said:

“The heart that is filled with faith is all light, which has heat, and when the devilish whisper draws close to it, it turns to ashes. It was said that when the remembrance of Allaah is firmly established in a person’s heart, when a devil draw close to it , he has a seizure like those experienced by humans when the Shaytaan gets close to them. Then the devils gather around him and say, “What is the matter with him?” and it is said, “The human over powered him”’’

Source: Masaaib ul-Insaan min Makaaid ish-Shaytaan

@AdiyyMuhammad, 10/18/13, 8:05 PM