Wednesday, March 23, 2022

How Do You Attain Certainty (Yaqīn)


How Do You Attain Certainty (Yaqīn)

Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah (رحمه الله) said:

 وأما كيف يحصل اليقين فبثلاثة أشياء : أحدها : تدبر القرآن .والثاني : تدبر الآيات التي يحدثها الله في الأنفس والآيات التي تبين أنه حق .الثالث : العمل بموجب العلم. 

“As for how certainty is acquired, then it is through three things: The first of them is contemplation over the Qurʾān. The second is contemplation over the signs Allāh places in the souls and the signs that make clear that it (the Qurʾān) is the truth. The third is acting upon the requirement of knowledge.”

Majmūʿ al-Fatāwā (3/330)

By Abu IyaadSP أبو عياض