Thursday, April 23, 2020

A General Reminder Regarding Extravagance: [Be Warned! Generosity And Eagerness to Feed People During Iftaar Does Not Necessitate or Warrant Waste Extravagance] - by Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan

Shaikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan (hafidhahullaah] said, “Squanderers who waste meat and [other] food – throwing it in waste bins – should be reminded that there are hungry people hoping for a mouth full and a scrap of bread. [They should be reminded] to fear Allaah and to fear Him in their gatherings, and that they do not become the cause of Allaah’s blessings being stopped.

Source: An Excerpt From (Al-Bayaan Li-Akhtaa’I Ba’dil Kuttaab) Vol 2. Page 27


5 May 2019, 8:06 PM

NOTE: Emphasis added