Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Exemplary Mannerisms of the Scholars...a story between Shaikh Rabee' حفظه الله & Shaikh al-Albānī رحمه الله as they prayed upon a Janāzah in the courtyard of the Prophet's Masjid...

Shaikh Rabee’ حفظه الله stated:

We prayed with (Shaikh al-Albānī) upon a Janāzah and he was not raising his hands upon the takbīrāt, and I was raising whilst at his side, so I said to him after the prayer finished, “Our Shaikh, I used to be upon your opinion then I opposed you.”

He said, “Ok”.

So I gave him some of my evidences and proofs and he accepted them with his (good & exemplary) manners and respect رحمه الله. (i.e. listened with respect as is expected of the Scholars in their manners, not necessitating he changed his opinion).

قال الشيخ ربيع السنة – حفظه الله –  - :

صلينا (مع الشيخ الألباني) على جنازة فكان لايرفع يديه في
 التكبير، وأنا أرفع وأنا بجنبه، فقلت له بعد انتهاء الصلاة؛
شيخنا كنت على رأيك ثم خالفتك فيه.
قال: طيب.
فأعطيته بعض حججي وأدلتي فتقبلها بأدبه واحترامه

[٢٢٨/ ١٥ المجموع]        @AbuMuadhTaqweem

12:58 PM – 26 Jul 2018