Saturday, June 22, 2019

Imām al-Sa’dī on the Sound Creed and How it Multiplies the Reward for Righteous Actions

Posted on twitter at 9:19 PM - 9 Aug 2018 | @AbuIyaadSP 

Imām al-Sa’dī  (رَحِمَهُ اللهُ) on the Sound Creed and How it Multiplies the Reward for Righteous Actions 

Imām al-Sa’dī (رَحِمَهُ اللهُ) wrote:

“And from the [numerous] causes of multiplication – and it is a foundation and base for what has preceded – is:

- the soundness of creed, 
- strength of faith in Allāh and His attributes, 
- strength of the servant’s desire,
- and his aspiration for good.

For the actions of the people of the pure Sunnah and Jamā’ah and of the people of perfect, detailed knowledge of Allāh’s names and attributes, and strength [of conviction in] the meeting with Allāh will be multiplied for them with a great multiplication, the likes of which will not be acquired, and nor anything close to it, by those who do not share with them in this faith and creed.

For this reason, the Salaf used to say: ‘Ahl al-Sunnah, even if their actions are limited, their creed raises them. And Ahl al-Bidʿah, even if their actions are many , their creed limits them.’ And the angle [from which the meaning is given] consideration is that Ahl al-Sunnah are guided whereas Ahl al-Bidʿah are misguided. And the difference between the one who walks upon the Straight Path and between the one who deviates from it towards the paths of Hellfire is known, his outcome is that he becomes a misguided one, a misinterpreter [of the truth].”1

1 Refer to Majmū Muʾallafāt al-Shaykh  al-ʿAllāmah ʿAbd al-Ramān bin Nāir al-Saʿdī, 24/49.


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Written by Abū ʿIyaa 

26 Dhul-Qaʿdah 1439H v1.1


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