Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Things that aid in abandoning sins - Shaykh Ubayd al Jaabiree (حفظه الله)

Things that help one abandon sins by Shaykh Ubayd al Jaabiree 

1. By making a sincere taubah without transgressing. For example a person repents from smoking, and if they return to that they place on themselves to give such and such in sadaqah. This is haraam, this is transgression and this is bid’ah.

2. One performs an abundance of voluntary acts of worship authentically reported in the Sunnah.

3. Distancing one’s self from bad companions. The prophet alayhis salaam said “a man is on the religion of his friend”

4. Being abundant in the remembrance of Allah and constantly turning to Him, even if you didn’t commit a sin.

5. Clinging to and mixing with the pious whether that be in the masaajid, or through phone calls. All of these things aid one upon istiqaamah and are a protection from sins inshaAllah.

Translation: Ustaadh Anwar Wright (حفظه الله)

3/28/13, 4:54 AM