Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Shaykh Ali al-Haddādī on the crying of the Heavens and the Earth

إذا مات المؤمن بكت عليه مواطن صلاته وعباداته. وبكى بابه في السماء حيث كان يصعد عمله.
أما الكفار فقال تعالى (فما بكت عليهم السماء والأرض)


Shaykh Ali al-Haddādī, may Allāh protect him from every kind of harm, said:

When a believer dies, the places he took to pray in and perform acts of worship in cry over him, and his gate in the heavens through which his [good] deeds would ascend cries.

As for the disbelievers, the All-High says:

فَمَا بَكَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ السَّمَاءُ وَالْأَرْضُ

Meaning: Then neither the Heavens nor the Earth cried over them (Al-Dukhān: 29)

Source: 3 Nov 14.

11/12/14, 11:10 PM

Transcriber's Note: Arabic texts added today 10/28/2018 @ 6:57 AM, KSA Time