Originally posted on February 21, 2015 by MASJID AL KHAIR
ابن الجوزي (٥٩٧هـ) رحمه الله
Ibn Al-Jawzi (597 h) may Allah have mercy on him said:
بالله من صحبة البطالين. لقد رأيت خلقًا كثيرًا يجرون معي فيما قد اعتاده الناس من
كثرة الزيارة، ويسمون ذلك التردد خدمة، ويطلبون الجلوس، ويجرون فيه أحاديث الناس، وما
لا يعني، وما يتخلله غيبة.
I seek refuge with Allah from the companionship of those who
are idle and have nothing better to do. Verily I have seen occurring to me from
a lot of people, that which many have become accustomed to, from the abundance
of visiting. And they call these frequent (visits) a service. Requesting to
sit, and mentioning the statements of the people and that which does not
concern, and this is mixed up with back biting.
شيء يفعله في زماننا كثير من الناس...
And this is something many of the people of our time do…
رأيت أن الزمان أشرف شيء، والواجب انتهابه بفعل الخير، كرهت ذلك...
Since I know that time is the most noble of things, and what
is obligatory is to seize it (take advantage of it) by doing good, I disliked that
(i.e. frequent visits).
من المستعد للقائهم؛ قطع الكاغد، وبري الأقلام، وحَزْمُ الدفاتر، فإنّ هذه الأشياء
لابد منها، ولا تحتاج إلى فكرٍ وحضورِ قلبٍ، فأرصدتها لأوقات زيارتهم لئلا يضيعَ شيءٌ
من وقتي.
Then I have made as a preparation for their meetings, papers
to cut and pencils to sharpen and notebooks to bind. Verily these things are a
must, and they do not require thinking or the presence of the heart. So I have
set them aside for the times when they visit, so that none of my time is wasted.
الخاطر ص 165.
Sayd Al-Khaatir page 165.
Translated by: Samir Al-Oklahomie
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