Saturday, September 22, 2018

Choose your friends and companions carefully... Accompany the righteous, & upright servants of Allah; those who will aid you in your religion, & in seeking knowledge as they do, & in improving your manners... Not those who will lower you with laziness, & bad character.

Al-‘Allāma al-‘Uthaymeen stated:

Mannerisms can be learnt (picked up) or can be inherent, and this is something witnessed, and often a person accompanies an individual & sits with him and consequently ends up picking up from him his manners – even if that individual was lesser than him in status or age…

قال العلامة الفقيه ابن عثيمين رحمه الله :

الأخلاق تكون بالاكتساب وتكون بالجبلة وهذا شيء مشاهد
فكثيرا ما يصاحب الإنسان شخصاً فيجلس إليه ويكتسب منه
خلقه ولو كان دونه في المرتبة أو في السن

[(٧٢/٥)التعليق على صحيح مسلم  ]


7/26/18, 2:17 PM