Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Severe Consequences of Shirk

If a person performs hajj, salaah & sawn sincerely, but commits shirk in du’aa, all the reward from the hajj, salaah & sawn will be nullified.

Proof: Surah Az-Zumar Aayah 65.*

Source: Sharh Usool Ath-Thalaatha’ Lesson 6. By Sh Abdur Razzaaq Al-Badr

@IslamStoke |

7/14/18, 1:13 AM

Transcribers Note: 

(وَلَقَدْ أُوحِيَ إِلَيْكَ وَإِلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكَ لَئِنْ أَشْرَكْتَ لَيَحْبَطَنَّ عَمَلُكَ وَلَتَكُونَنَّ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ (65*

Translation: And it was already revealed to you and to those before you that if you should associate [anything] with Allah, your work would surely become worthless, and you would surely be among the losers. Surah Az-Zumar 39: 65

Tawheed & Istighfaar - Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah Rahimahullaah

Tawheed & Istighfaar

Originally posted on on May 25, 2018

Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya

Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah Rahimahullaah said: 

‘The state and matter of Istighfaar amongst the people of Tawheed and its connection with the testimony of La ilaha ila Allaah is firmly established. 

For the first of them until the last of them and from the last of them to the first of them. From high to low.

The comprehensiveness of the state and matter of Tawheed and Istighfaar, applies to all of the creation and they, in relation to these situations are of different grades to Allaah. Every person having a grade which is known.

Therefore, the testimony of La ilaha ila Allaah (none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah) with truthfulness and certainty eliminates all of Shirk, a small and a large amount, that which is done mistakenly and intentionally, the first of it and the last of it, that done secretly and openly. That which appears upon all of its characteristics, that which it hides and its intricate details.

Istighfaar wipes out that which remains from its affects, it wipes out sin which is from the branches of Shirk. Indeed all sins are from the branches of Shirk.

So Tawheed eliminates the foundation of Shirk, and Istighfaar wipes out its branches.

.*فأبلغ الثناء قول: لا إله إلا الله*

The most expressive praise is the statement of La ilaha ila Allaah.

".*وأبلغ الدعاء قول: أستغفر الله*

The most expressive of Dua is the statement of Astaghfirullaah (I seek forgiveness from Allaah).’

[Majmoo al-Fatawa 11/697]

شمول دائرة والاستغفار**
 *للخلق كلهم*

قال شيخ الاسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله:

وقد ثبتت دائرة الاستغفار بين أهل التوحيد واقترانها بشهادة أن لا إله إلا الله من أولهم إلى آخرهم ومن آخرهم إلى أولهم ومن الأعلى إلى الأدنى"

و شمول دائرة التوحيد والاستغفار للخلق كلهم، وهم فيها درجات عند الله، ولكلِ عاملٍ مقامٌ معلوم.
فشهادة أن لا إله إلا الله بصدق ويقين؛ تُذهب الشرك كله، دقه وجله، خطأه وعمده، أوله وآخره، سره وعلانيته، وتأتي على جميع صفاته وخفاياه ودقائقه.
والاستغفار يمحو ما بقي من عثراته، ويمحو الذنب الذي هو من شُعب الشرك؛ فإن الذنوب كلها من شُعب الشرك.

فالتوحيد يذهب أصل الشرك والاستغفار يمحو فروعه.
.*فأبلغ الثناء قول: لا إله إلا الله*
".*وأبلغ الدعاء قول: أستغفر الله*

[مجموع الفتاوى ١١/ ٦٩٧]


For original, genuine & safe copy see here>>

How to take yourself into account?

How to take yourself into account?

Shaykh Ibnu Uthaymeen said:

The way a person takes himself into account is by reflecting upon; What he has done? What he has left? What he has said? What he has remained silent upon? Until he takes himself into account. For example he says to himself: You did not say the truth in this affair, you did not do what’s good and right in this affair, you did wrong in this affair, you spoke falsely and untruthfully in this affair. This is how a person  takes themselves into account for what they did and didn’t do, so that he looks at the crookedness and remove the evil from it. This is the meaning of taking oneself into account.

Fataawaa Noor Alaa Ad-darb (12/16)


4/11/17, 11:03 AM

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Random Quote of the Day

Al-Albânî (رحمه الله) said,

The path towards Allâh is long, and we tread it like a turtle, our goal is not to reach its end, rather the goal is to die upon it.

TRANSLATOR: Zubayr Abbasi

21 September 2013, 7:03 PM

Shaykh Ali al-Haddādī on the crying of the Heavens and the Earth

إذا مات المؤمن بكت عليه مواطن صلاته وعباداته. وبكى بابه في السماء حيث كان يصعد عمله.
أما الكفار فقال تعالى (فما بكت عليهم السماء والأرض)


Shaykh Ali al-Haddādī, may Allāh protect him from every kind of harm, said:

When a believer dies, the places he took to pray in and perform acts of worship in cry over him, and his gate in the heavens through which his [good] deeds would ascend cries.

As for the disbelievers, the All-High says:

فَمَا بَكَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ السَّمَاءُ وَالْأَرْضُ

Meaning: Then neither the Heavens nor the Earth cried over them (Al-Dukhān: 29)

Source: 3 Nov 14.

11/12/14, 11:10 PM

Transcriber's Note: Arabic texts added today 10/28/2018 @ 6:57 AM, KSA Time

Monday, September 24, 2018

Supplication to be Said at Time of Sleep – Anas ibn Maalik –radiyallaahu anhu

بـسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

Originally posted on August 18, 2011


Anas ibn Maalik –radiyallaahu anhu who said: Allaah’s Messenger said:
<<Whoever says when he goes to bed-

الْحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذِي كَفَانِي وَآوَنِي
 الْحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذِي أَطْعَمَنِي وَسَقَانِي
الْحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذِي مَنَّ عَلَيَّ وَأَفْضَلَ
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ بِعِزَّتِكَ أَنْ تُنَجِّيَنِي مِنَ النَّار

“All praise is for Allaah Who has sufficed me and given me shelter;
All praise is for Allaah Who has fed me and given me drink;
All praise is for Allaah Who has bestowed bounties and favour upon me;
O Allaah! I ask You by Your Might to save me from the Fire”.
-then he has praised Allaah with all the words of praise of the whole creation.>>

Declared ‘hasan’ by Shaikh al-Albaanee [Saheehut-Targheeb no. 609]  

[Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood ibn Ronald Burbank (رحمه الله)]


 PDF here>>

Note: Posted with kind permission

Saturday, September 22, 2018

I seek refuge with Allah from the companionship of those who are idle and have nothing better to do.

Originally posted on February 21, 2015 by MASJID AL KHAIR

:قال ابن الجوزي (٥٩٧هـ) رحمه الله

Ibn Al-Jawzi (597 h) may Allah have mercy on him said:

أعوذ بالله من صحبة البطالين. لقد رأيت خلقًا كثيرًا يجرون معي فيما قد اعتاده الناس من كثرة الزيارة، ويسمون ذلك التردد خدمة، ويطلبون الجلوس، ويجرون فيه أحاديث الناس، وما لا يعني، وما يتخلله غيبة.

I seek refuge with Allah from the companionship of those who are idle and have nothing better to do. Verily I have seen occurring to me from a lot of people, that which many have become accustomed to, from the abundance of visiting. And they call these frequent (visits) a service. Requesting to sit, and mentioning the statements of the people and that which does not concern, and this is mixed up with back biting.

وهذا شيء يفعله في زماننا كثير من الناس...

And this is something many of the people of our time do…

فلما رأيت أن الزمان أشرف شيء، والواجب انتهابه بفعل الخير، كرهت ذلك...

Since I know that time is the most noble of things, and what is obligatory is to seize it (take advantage of it) by doing good, I disliked that (i.e. frequent visits).

فجعلتُ من المستعد للقائهم؛ قطع الكاغد، وبري الأقلام، وحَزْمُ الدفاتر، فإنّ هذه الأشياء لابد منها، ولا تحتاج إلى فكرٍ وحضورِ قلبٍ، فأرصدتها لأوقات زيارتهم لئلا يضيعَ شيءٌ من وقتي. 

Then I have made as a preparation for their meetings, papers to cut and pencils to sharpen and notebooks to bind. Verily these things are a must, and they do not require thinking or the presence of the heart. So I have set them aside for the times when they visit, so that none of my time is wasted.

صيد الخاطر ص 165.

Sayd Al-Khaatir page 165.

Translated by: Samir Al-Oklahomie

For better viewing see original article here>>:

Choose your friends and companions carefully... Accompany the righteous, & upright servants of Allah; those who will aid you in your religion, & in seeking knowledge as they do, & in improving your manners... Not those who will lower you with laziness, & bad character.

Al-‘Allāma al-‘Uthaymeen stated:

Mannerisms can be learnt (picked up) or can be inherent, and this is something witnessed, and often a person accompanies an individual & sits with him and consequently ends up picking up from him his manners – even if that individual was lesser than him in status or age…

قال العلامة الفقيه ابن عثيمين رحمه الله :

الأخلاق تكون بالاكتساب وتكون بالجبلة وهذا شيء مشاهد
فكثيرا ما يصاحب الإنسان شخصاً فيجلس إليه ويكتسب منه
خلقه ولو كان دونه في المرتبة أو في السن

[(٧٢/٥)التعليق على صحيح مسلم  ]


7/26/18, 2:17 PM

Asking Allāh That We Be Pleased with What He Ordains

Asking Allāh That We Be Satisfied with His Decisions

:٢٦٣/٢ قال مالك في الموطأ
كان عمر بن عبد العزيز يدعو:
اللهم رضني بقضائك وأسعدني بقدرك حتى لا أحب تأخير شيء عجلته ولا تعجيل شيء أخرته.

Shaikh ʿAlī al-addādī said:

[Imām] Mālik said in Al-Muwaṭṭaʾ, vol. 2, p. 263:

ʿUmar ibn ʿAbd al-ʿAziz used to ask [of Allāh]:

اللَّهُمَّ رَضِّنِي بِقَضَائِكَ وَأَسعِدنِي بِقَدَرِكَ حَتَّى لاَ أُحِبَّ تَأْخِيرَ شَيءٍ عَجَّلتَهُ وَلاَ تَعجِيلَ شَيءٍ أَخَّرتَهُ

O Allāh, make me pleased with and accept that which you have ordained, and make me happy with what you have written [of destiny], to the extent I don’t love having anything put off for later that you have made come sooner, nor having anything come sooner that you have put off for later.

Translated by Mikail ibn Mahboob Ariff
Source: 30 Sep 17. 11:30 pm.
N.B. Title from (Trans.)

Dr. Ali Al-Haddadi’s Official English Twitter Account

10/9/17, 11:24 PM