Monday, May 14, 2018

Advice to the Muslims Before Ramadhaan - Shaykh Salih al-Fawzaan |

Advice to the Muslims Before Ramadhaan 

By Shaykh Salih al-Fawzaan


What is your advise to the Muslims for the approach of the month of Ramadhaan? Allah preserve you.


It is obligatory upon the Muslim to ask Allah to allow him to reach Ramadhaan and to aid him in fasting and the night prayer and carrying out [righteous] actions. Because it is a great opportunity in the life of a Muslim.

“Whoever fasts Ramadhaan with true faith and hoping for reward then his previous sins will be forgiven.”

“Whoever stands in night prayer in Ramadhaan with true faith and hoping for reward, then his previous sins will be forgiven.”

So it is an opportunity in the life of a Muslim that may not return to him again.

A Muslim becomes happy at the approach of Ramadhaan and rejoices in it. He welcomes it with happiness and delight.

He takes advantage of it in the worship of Allah, during its nights he prays and during its days he fasts and recites the Qur’an, so it is a booty for the Muslim.

As for those who, when Ramadhaan comes, prepare corrupt entertainment programmes, soaps, fables and competitions to busy the Muslims – they are the armies of Shaytaan.

Shaytaan recruited them for this, so a Muslim should be aware of them and warn against them.

Ramadhaan is not a time of amusement, play, soaps and prizes and competitions and wasting time.


Salafi Centre of Manchester (Youtube Channel)| Published on April 29, 2018