Thursday, May 31, 2018

Ibn Uthaymīn said: “The Prayer is light. Light in the heart of the slave, on his face, in his grave...

فالصلاة نورٌ: نورٌ للعبد في قلبه ، وفي وَجْهه ، و في قَبْرِه ، و في حَشْرِه ، ولهذا
تجد أكثر الناس نورًا في الوجوهِ أكثرَهُمْ صلاة ، و أخشعهم فيها لله عزَّ و جلَّ.

Ibn Uthaymīn said:

The Prayer is light. Light in the heart of the slave, on his face, in his grave.. You find that the people with the most light upon their faces are the ones who pray the most & the ones with the most humility to Allāh in their Prayer.

Riyād Sālihīn (1/190) 

Translated by Ustādh Hassan Somali (hafidhahullaah)

Source:, 2/24/18, 9:24 AM

My Wife Doesnt Pray the Morning Prayer (al-Fajr) – Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan

Originally published on 17 Jul 2017 by

TRANSLATOR: ala al-Irānī 

SOURCE: Shar Ighāthat-il-Lahfān - Lesson 63 min: 1.04.34, Shaykh āli ibn Fawzān al-Fawzān


Many a times I [try to] awake my wife for the Fajr prayer however she doesn’t get up, instead, she constantly performs the  prayer after sunrise. What is incumbent to do hereafter?

Shaykh āli ibn Fawzān al-Fawzān:

Her prayer is not accepted. If she does not get up to pray the Fajr prayer you should divorce her. She is not a Muslim. Those  who miss the Fajr prayer are not Muslims. If she repents, then Allah accept her repentance, so remain with her, otherwise, look for someone else.


Kindly listen here>>

Note: Posted with kind permission

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Their Connection to the Dīn was So Strong while they were Awake that they Would Dream About It While they Slept

On the authority of ‘Abdullah ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, who said:

“Some men from the companions of the prophet were shown Laylatul-Qadr in a dream as being with the last seven nights of Ramadan. So, the prophet said: ‘I see that your dreams coincide with (it being) in the last seven nights. Therefore, he amongst you who is seeking it, let him seek it within the last seven.”

Al-‘Allāmah Ahmad An-Najmī, may Allah have mercy upon him, said:

The companions of the Messenger of Allah had a complete connection to the Qur’ān and to the Islamic affairs to the point that these affairs were a part of their life which they (constantly) thought about whilst they were asleep. Unlike the condition of the people of our time, in their distance from affairs of Iman and their connection to the worldly life, its pleasures, and lusts.

Source: Ta’sīs Al-Ahkām Bi-Sharh Ahādīth ‘Umdatul-Ahkām 3/287

Trans: By Raha Batts 

م ٢:٠٥:تم آخر تعديل في

-------------------------, 28/5/2018,11:06 AM

When to Bath

A man once asked ‘Alî  – Allâh be pleased with him – about taking a full bath (ghusl). He replied, “Wash every day if you want.” The man said, “No, what I mean is the ghusl.” ʿAli replied, “Al-Jumu’ah (Friday), the Day of ‘Arafah, the Day of Al-Nahr (sacrificial slaughter, ‘Eid al-Adhâ) and the Day of Al-Fitr (the ‘Eid following Ramadân).”

Al-Bayhaqî, Al-Sunan Al-Kubrâ, hadîth #6343. In Irwâ Al-Ghalîl, under hadîth #146, Shaykh Al-Albânî graded its chain of transmission sahîh and said this is the best evidence for the recommendation to bath on the two ‘Eid celebrations.



Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Imām Ibn Al-Qayyim (Nūnīyah): Habitually listening to music can lead to Shirk. Commentary of Shaykh Khalīl Harrās

Imām Ibn al-Qayyim said in his Nūnīyah:

By Allah, the one who is addicted to listening music will never be free from joining [others] with The Most Merciful.

As the heart is the house [where] Allah, the Majestic, [is singled out] with love and sincerity along with Ihsān.

If it is attached to music, it makes it a slave to every male and female [singer].

Shaykh Khalīl Harrās commented upon these lines of poetry:

Consider what we witness in these days from the attachment of some of this nation to those who gained fame through singing and music, from the likes of Umm Kulthūm, ‘Abdul Wahhāb, ‘Abdul Halīm Hāfidh, Sabāh and others.

Verily, you do not find the majority  of this nation except that they are slaves of these individuals, and they have been afflicted through them with the greatest affliction.

To the extent that young boys and girls memorize their songs by heart and it is possible that many of them have not memorized the opening Surah of the Book [Fatihah].

Explanation of Al-Nūnīyah (2/372-373)

Translated by Hassan Somali (may Allaah preserve him)


Source:, 1/21/16, 7:46 PM

Random Quote of the Day

قال الشيخ الألباني رحمه الله:
العبرة ليست بكثرة العبادة
وإنما بكونها على السنة
بعيدة عن البدعة.
٥/١٣, ١٤ السلسلة الصحيحة 

Shaykh Al Albaani (rahimahullah) said:

What is important is not much worship but that this worship is according to the Sunnah far away from innovations.

Translated by Dr. Abdulilah Lahmami حفظ الله

Source:, 3/24/18, 1:55 PM

Monday, May 28, 2018

Four Rak’ah equivalent to Lailatul Qadr!

Four Rakah equivalent to Lailatul Qadr!

Bismillahi wal Hamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaamu ‘Alaa Rasoolillah:

Amma Ba’d: 

The prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa Salam said Whoever prays Ishaa congregation and (then) prays four (rak’ah) before he leaves the masjid then it is equivalent to lailatul qadr

(Collected by At Tabaraani in ‘Al Awsat’ 1/2/1)

Shaikh Al Albaani mentions the hadeeth in ‘Silsilatul Ahaadeeth ad Da’eefah and highlights the fact that this version of the hadeeth is weak due to the presence of Imaam Abu Haneefah in its chain.

He mentions (Daeefah 11/102):

..similarly the rest of its narrators are trustworthy except Abu Haneefah –Rahimahullah- for indeed the Imaams (of Hadeeth) have declared him weak (in hadeeth), just as the detailed clarification of this) has preceded under hadeeth 458, the like of which you will find  in no other place.

He then goes to mention:

Although the hadeeth has occurred authentically attributed to a group from among the companions, without the mention of the wording:

..before he leaves the masjid..

He then goes on to mention the version attributed to Abdullah Ibn Amr collected by Ibn Abi Shaiba in his Musanaf 1/72/2 with the wording:

Whoever prays four rak’ah after Ishaa Prayer then they will be like their equivalent performed on Lailatul Qadr

Shaikh Albaani then mentions: Its chain of narration is authentic then Ibn abi Shaiba narrates the  same narration from Aaisha, Ibn Masood, Kab ibn Maati’, Mujaahid, Abdur Rahmaan ibnil  Aswad and mentions chains of narration going back  to them all being authentic with the exception of the narration of Kab then Shaikh Albaani mentions:

even though these narrations are attributed to companions they carry the ruling of Ar Raf (i.e  attribution to the messenger) since the subject of the narrations is not the type of thing they may have said from their opinion, as Is apparent

(Ad Daeefah 11/103)

Note: The established version then, does not make it a condition that one must perform them before leaving the masjid to obtain the reward.

Imaamul Iraaqi has mentioned:

This hadeeth is more profound in meaning than the hadeeth that was mentioned before since in it is the establishment of a person obtaining the virtue of Lailatul Qadr even if that is not on Lailatul Qadr, so what do you think about the one who does so on Lailatul Qadr itself!

(Tarhut tathreeb 5/150)



A sister pose a question to the Noble Ustaadh (hafidhahullaah) (on which  I added as its so beneficial)

Salaama alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatu, BaarakAllah feekum for this beneficial post. I just wanted to make sure I haven’t misunderstood inshaAllah. The version attributed to Abdullah ibn ‘Amr doesn’t mention that the prayer is in congregation (unless I misread/misunderstood, Allahu ‘allam). So if a woman prays ‘isha at home and prays four raka’a afterwards, are those four rak’ah still equivalent to laylatul qadr?

ahspubs December 7, 2011 at 8:41 am Reply

That is correct since the condition of being in the masjid is not mentioned in that which is Saheeh. Wallahu A’lam Baarakallahu Feekum

The 3 Levels of Fasting | Ibn Qudama al-Maqdisy رحمه الله

 The 3 Levels of Fasting
Ibn Qudama al-Maqdisy رحمه الله

1 General Fasting: To prevent the stomach and private region from fulfilling their desires.

 2• Specific Fasting: To prevent the eyesight from looking (at haram), and to prevent the tongue, the hand, the leg, the hearing, the sight & remainder of the body parts from sins.

3 Specific of the Specific: The fasting of the heart from ignoble goals & thoughts that distance the person from Allah, and to completely abstain from all that which is besides Allah (i.e. Full focus on obedience to Allah in all your affairs while fasting).


Source:, 6/2/17, 5:15 AM

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Avoiding bad companions - Dealing with someone who uses obscene language | Fatwas of the Permanent Committee

The third question of Fatwa no. 6755

Q 3: I have  a dear friend who offers Salah (prayer). I have advised him many times to stop talking everywhere about women and flirting, but his only reply is, “When Allah so wills”. I hate to sit with him because of this; how should I deal with him?

A: Advise him first to stop, and if he refuses, you must avoid him in order to be away from evil and bad people, and as a way of deterring him from evil and its means.

(Part No. 26; Page No. 76)

May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.

The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’


Friday, May 25, 2018

Random Quote of the Day

Ibnul Qayyim said:

Whoever strives (sincerely) against these four [i.e the Self, evil desires, shaytaan & sinful love of Dunyah], Allaah will guide him to paths that leads to His Pleasure & Jannah.

Al-Fawaa’id, page 97


Who is truly fasting?

Ibn Qayyim رحمه الله said:

The (true) fasting individual is the one whose limbs abstains from sins; and whose tongue abstains from lying, vulgarity and false speech; and whose stomach abstains from food and drink; and whose private parts abstain from obscenities.

 الوبل الصيب : 43

Translated by Ustaadh Uways At-Taweel حفظه الله

Source:, 6/10/16, 6:04AM

Recognize if your Imaan is Increasing or Decreasing

Recognize if your Imaan is Increasing or Decreasing

By Shaykh Muhammad Amaan Al Jaami

Shaykh Muhammad Amman Al Jaami: Abu Dhar said: Whoever does not know that his Imaan increases and decreases is not a person of understanding. Rather it is from understanding in the religion to notice if your Imaan increasing or decreasing.

If you find yourself devoted to Allah, desiring that which is with Allah, and energetic in acts of worship, loving the righteous people and the gathering of knowledge, this is an indication and a sign of your strong in Imaan.

And if you find yourself turning away and lazy, having no desire to recite the Book of Allah and remember Allah; and you find yourself always lagging behind in some acts of worship and not desiring that which is with Allah, this  is proof of your deficiency in Imaan. Therefore remedy and rectify yourself.

Translated by Rasheed ibn Estes Barbee



Monday, May 21, 2018

Praying Tarāwīḥ In The Mosques Of The People Of Innovation | Shaykh ‘Abdullāh Al- Bukhārī

Praying Tarāwī In The Mosques Of The People Of Innovation| Shaykh ‘Abdullāh Al- Bukhārī

The Question: “This questioner says in a place where there are aren’t any Mosques for the people of the Sunnah, yet there are [numerous] Mosques for the people of innovation wherein they pray Tarāwī incorrectly, which is better; for the Salafīs to pray by themselves in their homes or should they pray altogether in congregation in those centers?”

Shaykh ‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Abdul-Raīm al-Bukhārī: “It came in the question that they are praying Tarāwī incorrectly. So if their prayer is in a manner which is incorrect as it is mentioned, then how could you pray with them?! They are praying incorrectly, would you pray incorrectly behind them?! Even if they werent from the people of innovation; if an Imām prayed incorrectly with the people, it is not lawful for you to pray behind him.

And it is as if in his statement that they pray Tarāwī incorrectly that they mean that they oppose the Sunnah, or he intends by praying Tarāwī incorrectly, then if the prayer was incorrect and missing pillars, then it is not lawful to pray in that Mosque Im sorry, [I mean] behind them. It is not lawful to pray behind them because the prayer [behind them] is incorrect.

Then what then is obligatory upon you to do if it was a situation where there is no place for the people of the Sunnah to pray at? Then you should return to your home and pray with your family, you can combine the good of these two good actions; you have established the Sunnah and encouraged your family as well and prompted them to offer Tarāwī prayer and like this.

However, if the questioner intended with his statement that they prayed incorrectly that they oppose the Sunnah in terms of number, pay attention, in terms of number; meaning that they do not restrict themselves to eleven units of prayer. Meaning that they add [units of prayer]. In this case it is not appropriate to use this expression that they are praying incorrectly.

If the prayer was correct and did not involve deficiencies in its pillars or obligations, instead we should say that it is not consistent with the Sunnah according to the opinion of some people of knowledge. Is this clear?

Here there is no harm in the prayer. And praying with the people of innovation, May Allāh bless you, the people of knowledge have already spoken regarding it. And from the speech of the scholars and their verdicts is that prayer behind a religious innovator (mubtadi’) if his innovation was something that causes disbelief, then it is not permissible to pray behind him.

However, if his innovation was something that was merely sinful, then prayer behind this individual is permissible even though it would be better to pray behind someone who is not an innovator (mubtadi’).

And this type of situation calls for the people of the Sunnah to provide places of prayer and Mosques where they can establish the prayer upon the Sunnah. This encourages them and calls for them to establish that according to their abilities and Allāh knows best.”

Originally published on June 29, 2016 by Masjid Al-Wahyain MN

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Prophet ﷺ said: “The one who eats & is grateful (to Allaah)... - by Markaz Muaadh

Prophet said:

The one who eats & is grateful (to Allaah) is similar in status of the one who fasts & is patient.

[Saheeh Ibn Maajah no. 1764]

