Saturday, October 20, 2018

Regarding the necessity of moving the tongue and lips while reciting during prayer | Shaykh Ali al-Haddadi حفظه الله

هل أنت تصلي دون تحريك لسانك أو شفتيك؟
تقول اللجنة في فتوى رقم 15299:
يجب على المصلي أن يحرك لسانه وشفتيه بالقراءة ولا تكفي القراءة]

د. علي يحيى الحدادي

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Do you pray without moving your tongue or lips? The [Permanent] Committee [for issuing Fatwás] says in Fatwá no. 15299.

It is obligatory upon the one praying to move his tongue and his lips while reciting, and the recitation [of] the heart [alone] does not suffice.

@Ali_al_Haddadi [English]

Translated by Mikail Mahboob Ariff

12/27/14, 3: 38 PM