Monday, October 1, 2018

Chapter on the nullifiers of Islam | Explaining matters which nullify one's Islam | Fatwas of Nur `Ala Al-Darb

Chapter on the nullifiers of Islam (Volume 4)

40- Explaining matters which nullify one's Islam

Q: Can you mention to the listeners the things which take out a person from the Din (religion) of Islam, make him a Kafir (disbeliever) after being a Muslim?

A: There are certain matters that nullify Islam. A Muslim is obliged to be cautious about these things. Scholars have mentioned them in the chapter of the ruling on the Murtad (apostate). They defined them as the Muslim who becomes a Kafir after his Islam. They mentioned many things which nullify one's Islam, for example, invoking the dead, seeking help from them, cursing the Din of Islam, the Prophet (peace be upon him), or the Qur'an, mocking the Qur'an, or the Din of Islam, neglecting Salahs (Prayers), denying its obligation, denying the obligation of Zakah (obligatory charity), denying the obligation of Sawm (Fast) in Ramadan, denying the obligation of Hajj for he who has the ability to perform it. Those who deny these obligations are Kafirs. Also, those who deem as lawful Zina (illegal sexual intercourse outside marriage), homosexuality are Kafirs. If one says that Khamr (intoxicant) is Halal (lawful), then he becomes a Kafir. If he says that Riba (usury) is Halal, he is a Kafir. 

There are also many other examples mentioned by scholars in this regard. They referred to them as nullifiers of Islam, which cause Riddah (apostasy). May Allah protect us. These times are hard times, particularly in many countries which are not ruled by the Shari`ah (Islamic law), with many advocators of falsehood. The deeds which nullify Islam are widely spread. There is neither might nor power except with Allah.

(Part No. 4; Page No. 102)

Q: A questioner from Egypt says: "What are the things that nullify Islam? If someone commits these things, how do they go back to Islam again?"

A: This is a great question as it is an obligation on every Mu'min (believer) to understand this and take care of it, because things that nullify Islam nowadays are a lot, and their dangers are grave. Thus, this question brings great benefit for all Muslims. The scholars have compiled many books on the deeds which nullify Islam, and they have mentioned in books of Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) separate chapters about this matter. They named them the chapter on the ruling on the Murtad, which is he who becomes a Kafir after being a Muslim. Then they mentioned the matters which nullify and which lead to Riddah. They are called "Invalidators of Islam" which are the things that nullify Islam and the causes of Riddah. These invalidators are many. Scholars have mentioned them in this chapter in the Madh-hab (School of Jurisprudence) of Al-Hanabilah (the followers of Imam Ahmad's School of Jurisprudence) Al-Shafi`iyyah, Al-Malikiyyah, and others. Some scholars have compiled separate books on this matter. Moreover, it is Wajib (obligatory) on every Mu'min whether a male or a female to be cautious about this, and to acquire knowledge in this regard in order not to fall into it. This is because these matters contain Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or Worship), which is the greatest sin, as invoking the dead whether it be Al-Badawy, Al-Husayn, or others, seeking their help, vowing to them, sacrificing for their sake, asking the idols, and seeking the help of the Jinn (creatures created from fire), the angels or the stars. All these things are types of Shirk and invalidators of Islam. Moreover, mocking the Din of Islam, the Qur'an, or the Prophet (peace be upon him) is one of these invalidators of Islam. Allah (Exalted be He) says: Say: "Was it at Allâh (عز وجل), and His Ayât (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations) and His Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) that you were mocking?" Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after you had believed. One of the invalidators of Islam is neglecting Salah. This is because Salah is one of the pillars of Islam. It is the greatest pillar after the two Shahadahs (Testimonies of Faith). Thus, if one denies its obligation, then they become a Kafir. But, if one neglects it out of leniency and laziness, then they also become a Kafir according to the more correct of the two opinions of scholars. Also, if one denies the obligation of Zakah (obligatory charity) or says that Sawm (Fast) of the month of Ramadan is not an obligation on people, then they become Kafirs according to all scholars. Moreover, if one says that performing Hajj in case of ability to perform it is not an obligation upon Mukallafs (persons meeting the conditions to be held legally accountable for their actions), then they become Kafirs. This is because Allah has obliged Hajj on he who is able. If a person says that Zina is Halal, and makes as Halal what Allah has made Haram (prohibited), then he, according to all scholars, is a Kafir and a Murtad due to his violation of Islam. Also, if one says that Khamr, homosexuality, and Riba are Halal, they are Kafirs. We seek refuge in Allah against all these things. Moreover, if one says that ruling according to other than Shari`ah is permitted and there is no harm in ruling according to positive laws and neglecting the Qur'an and Sunnah (whatever is reported from the Prophet), they become Kafirs. Invalidators of Islam are many to the extent that some scholars said that they are four hundred invalidators after counting them. If a person reads and understands them, they will find that they are many. It is obligatory on every Mu'min to be cautious about this and to gain knowledge about his religion. One should also revise this chapter that deals with the ruling on the Murtad and understand it fully in order to gain benefit and bring benefits to others. We ask Allah to grant us well-being and safety. There is neither might nor power except with Allah.

(Part No. 4; Page No. 103)

If a person commits one of the invalidators of Islam, he is required to perform Tawbah (repentance to Allah), regret the past sins, and be sure to never go back to this invalidator. If one is regarded as a Kafir due to invoking the dead and seeking the help of the dead and the idols, he has to abandon this sin and repent to Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He). By doing so, one returns to Islam. If his Kufr is due to denying the obligation of Salah, then he should admit his mistake and confess that Salah is an obligation on every Mukallaf. One should also repent to Allah of this sin and regret what he did and be sure to never return to this sin again. If one does so, Allah will forgive him. If one neglects Salah, then his Tawbah is to start praying and regret the past. One is obliged to perform Istighfar (seeking forgiveness from Allah) for this past sin and be sure that he will never return to such sin. This is the Tawbah. If one becomes a Kafir due to saying that Zina is Halal, then he has to offer Tawbah through confessing that Zina is forbidden, repenting to Allah, seeking forgiveness from Him, and admitting one's mistake. Allah knows from the heart of the person whether or not he is truthful, and He will forgive him if he is truthful.

(Part No. 4; Page No. 105)

Q: What are the things which nullify Islam? If a person falls into this, how do they return to Islam a second time? May Allah reward you with the best.

A: The things that nullify Islam are the invalidators of Islam. Committing these invalidators is the avenue leading to Riddah. These invalidators were clarified by scholars in separate chapters in the books of Fiqh. They called this chapter "The ruling on the Murtad". They mention this chapter at the end of the books of Fiqh with the mentioning of the Diyah (blood money), retaliation, and Hudud (ordained punishments for violating Allah's Law). You can read this chapter in the books of Al-Hanabilah, Al-Shafi`iyyah, Al-Malikiyyah, Al-Hanafiyyah, and books of the scholars of Hadith, in order for you to benefit from these great books. What is meant is that this chapter is a great chapter where they have mentioned the violations of Islam; the most dangerous of which is Shirk; invoking the idols, the dead, the stars, statues, trees, or stones or seeking refuge in them, vowing to them, sacrificing for their sake. These are acts of major Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or Worship that takes the Muslim out of Islam). One of the invalidators of Islam is cursing the Din of Islam whether by cursing, criticizing, or mocking it. Moreover, mocking what Allah and His Prophet have said, mocking the Prophet, or the Qur'an are violations of Islam. Also, if one deems as Halal what Allah has forbidden by saying, for example, that Zina, Khamr, or Riba are Halal, he is considered to be a Murtad according to the Ijma` (consensus of scholars). Similarly, if one denies the obligations which Allah has ordained by claiming that Salah, Zakah, Sawm of Ramadan, or Hajj for he who is able to perform it are not obligatory, they will be considered Murtads. Scholars have mentioned also other types of Riddah.

(Part No. 4; Page No. 106)

Q: What are actions and deeds that bring a person closer to Jannah (Paradise) and further them away from Hellfire?

 A: The deeds and actions which bring a person closer to Jannah are obeying Allah and His Prophet, carrying out all what is ordered and legislated by Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him), performing obligatory and supererogatory Salah, observing obligatory and supererogatory Sawm, performing both obligatory and supererogatory Hajj, paying Zakah and Sadaqah (voluntary charity), much observing Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah), Tasbih (saying: "Subhan Allah [Glory be to Allah]"), and Tahlil (saying, "La ilaha illa Allah [There is no god except Allah]"), performing Da`wah (calling to Islam), teaching people what is good, visiting the sick, enjoining Ma`ruf (that which is judged as good, beneficial, or fitting by Shari`ah and Muslims of sound intellect), forbidding Munkar (that which is unacceptable or disapproved of by Shari`ah and Muslims of sound intellect), and reading Qur'an. These are all causes for entering Jannah and getting closer to it. All sins send you further away from Jannah and bring you closer to Hellfire. We ask Allah to keep us safe from such sins such as, backbiting, gossiping, laziness to pray in congregation, praying at home, cutting the beard, growing the moustache, and lengthening clothes. All these sins bring one closer to Hellfire. We ask Allah to keep us safe.
