Thursday, May 31, 2018

Ibn Uthaymīn said: “The Prayer is light. Light in the heart of the slave, on his face, in his grave...

فالصلاة نورٌ: نورٌ للعبد في قلبه ، وفي وَجْهه ، و في قَبْرِه ، و في حَشْرِه ، ولهذا
تجد أكثر الناس نورًا في الوجوهِ أكثرَهُمْ صلاة ، و أخشعهم فيها لله عزَّ و جلَّ.

Ibn Uthaymīn said:

The Prayer is light. Light in the heart of the slave, on his face, in his grave.. You find that the people with the most light upon their faces are the ones who pray the most & the ones with the most humility to Allāh in their Prayer.

Riyād Sālihīn (1/190) 

Translated by Ustādh Hassan Somali (hafidhahullaah)

Source:, 2/24/18, 9:24 AM