Sunday, July 29, 2018
I Have Left You Upon Clear Guidance | Masjid Tawheed Was Sunnah, Durham North Carolina
Posted by
_Hayaa bint Abdillaah_
Abu Abdillaah Hassan as Somali,
Abu Muhammad al-Maghribee,
Salafi Seminars/Lecture
Hardship and prosperity, obedience and sin | Sayings of the Salaf | Owais al-Hashimi (may Allah preserve him)
It is reported that
Wuhayb b. Al-Ward – Allâh
have mercy on him – said:
Verily, when Allâh the Exalted wants to honor a servant
of His (for his righteousness), He afflicts him with a reduced means of living,
illness in his body and a fearful life (all of which expiate his sins). Until
death comes upon him, and he still has some sins, death is made hard upon him
because of them, causing him to meet Allâh with no sins against him.
And when a person is of little value to Allâh (because of his disobedience), He
makes his body healthy, broadens his means of living and make him feel safe
(the rewards for any good deeds he did are exhausted). Until death comes upon
him, and he still has some good deeds, the experience of death is lightened for
him because of them, and he meets Allâh with nothing.
Abu Bakr Al-Daynûrî, Al
Mujâlasah wa Jawâhir Al-‘Ilm article 2865
Posted by
_Hayaa bint Abdillaah_
Death And Afterwards,
Owais Al-Hashimi,
Purification Of The Soul,
Saturday, July 28, 2018
There will always be envious haters
Umar ibn Al-Khattāb رّضِيَ
اللهُ عَنهُ said:
There is no one who has been given a favor from Allah except
that you will find someone who is envious of him. And even if a person was a
straight as an arrow you will surely find someone who slanders him.
العقلاء لابن حبان
Translated by Rasheed ibn Estes Barbee
11/27/15, 2:43 PM
Posted by
_Hayaa bint Abdillaah_
Abu Qayla Rasheed ibn Estes Barbee,
Pearls Of Wisdom,
Quotes And Poetry
Friday, July 27, 2018
The First Annual Layth Ibn Sa'd Conference with Shaykh Dr. Muḥammad Ghālib al-ʿUmarī, July 27-Aug. 1 (Toronto, Canada)
Posted by
_Hayaa bint Abdillaah_
Salafi Conference,
Shaykh Muhammad bin Ghaalib al-Omari,
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Random Quote of the Day
al-Hāfidh ibn Rajab said:
Busying yourself with the purification of the heart is more
virtuous than performing an abundant amount of prayers and fasts with a corrupt
٤٢٧ لطئف
المعرف ص.
Trans. Note: The Heart if it is upright you will be upright if it corrupt
you will be corrupt
Translated by: Munīb al-Ṣumālī
3/22/18, 4:53 AM
Posted by
_Hayaa bint Abdillaah_
Gems Of Knowledge,
Imaam Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali,
Muneeb al-Somali,
Purification Of The Soul
Do you speak with Wisdom or Innovation?
Ūthmān al-Hayrī:
“Whoever gives
the Sunnah authority over himself in his speech and action will proceed to
speak with wisdom and whoever gives desire authority over himself will speak
with innovation. Allaah, the Exalted said, “If you obey him [The Messenger] you
shall be rightly guided.”
٦٤/١٤ سير أعلام النبلاء
@Abuidrees, 5/3/16, 12:54 AM
A Disliked Qadr - Imam Ibn al Qayyim
A Disliked Qadr
Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya
What a person should do if he has been afflicted with Qadr
which he dislikes
Shamsuddeen Muhammad bin Abee Bakr Ibn Qayyim aj-Jawzeeyah
(d.751 A.H.) -Rahimullaah- said:
‘If a disliked Qadr crosses a person, then he
has six considerations:
The first-
consideration is of Tawheed, and that Allaah is the One who destined it for
him, willed it for him, created him. Whatever Allaah wants occurs and whatever
Allaah does not want does not occur.
The second- consideration is of justice, and that it will
occur with Allaah’s command. It is just in fulfilling Allaah’s justice.
The third- consideration is of mercy, and that Allah’s mercy
in what has been destined is generally from Allaah’s Anger and recompense, His
mercy is present but hidden and not apparent.
The fourth- the consideration of wisdom, that the Allaah’s
Wisdom -Subhanahu- necessitated this destiny. Allaah did not destine this in
vain or command it for no reason.
The fifth- consideration is of Praise, that all complete
praise is for Allaah -Subhanahu- for this destined Qadr from whichever way you
look at it.
The sixth- the consideration of servitude of worship, and
that a person is purely a slave of Allaah from every point of view. The
regulations of his Master apply to him and are carried out due to him being his
master’s possession and His slave. So Allaah disposes him under His destined
rulings just as Allaah disposes him under rulings of the Deen, therefore, the
slave of Allaah has to conform and proceed with these rulings.
[From: al-Fawaid p.93-94]
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Posted by
_Hayaa bint Abdillaah_
Abbas Abu Yahya,
Imaam Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah,
Tawheed (Oneness Of God)
Monday, July 23, 2018
The Messenger [sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam]
And whoever
knowingly argues for falsehood, then he will never be free of Allah’s Anger
until he leaves it; and whoever accuses a believer of something that is not true,
Allah will make him dwell in flowing pus on the day of judgment.
[Saheeh Al-Jaami
Masjid Al-Furqān
Stoke on Trent
@IslamStoke | |
Posted by
_Hayaa bint Abdillaah_
Masjid al Furqan|Stoke on Trent,
Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddin Al-Albani,
The Hereafter
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen on the ill effects of backbiting the Scholars of the Sunnah
“Backbiting the
scholars will bring down-in the eyes of the people-the status of what they have
of knowledge & what they teach. So people will then reject what they (the
scholars) bring forth from knowledge. This will inturn bring harm to the
(2/122 رياض الصالحين)
Translated by Uways At-Taweel أويس
5/22/13, 8:27 AM
Posted by
_Hayaa bint Abdillaah_
Gheebah (Backbiting),
Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-'Uthaymeen,
Uways At-Taweel
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
The Permissible Types of Backbiting - Imaam an-Nawawee
an-Nawawee rahimahullaah says in his book ‘Riyaadus-Saalihen’
256 – Chapter:
What is Permissible From [the types] of Backbiting
Know that backbiting is
permissible if it is due to a valid reason approved by the Islamic legislation,
and it is not able to be attained [i.e. the valid reason] except by way of
note: Meaning: That a person has no other choice but to backbite in each of the
following cases].
And that is in
six cases:
(1) Complaining
about oppression.
So it is
permissible for an oppressed person to complain to the ruler, and the judge,
and other than them – from those that have authority, or ability -, to aid him
against his oppressor. So he says: “So-and-so oppressed me with such and such.”
(2) Seeking
somebody’s help in changing an evil, and correcting sinful affairs by changing
them into that which is legislated and good.
So he says to
a person who can help him in that: “So-and-so does such-and-such; so prevent
him from that.” And the like of that. And one’s intent in this case should be
to reach the goal of removing the evil – and if he intends other than that,
then it is forbidden to do so.
(3) When seeking a
So a person says to the scholar: “My father, or
my brother, or my partner, or so-and-so oppressed me; is that [oppression]
permissible for him to do? And what can I do to end such, and regain my rights,
and prevent any [further] oppression?” And the like of these questions. So this
is permissible if there is a need – however that which is safer and better is
that a person says: “What do you say regarding a man, or a person, or a
partner, that does such-and-such?” Because that way the goal is attained
without specifying who it is. Even still, it is permissible to specify; as we
will make further mention of in the narration of Hind inshaaAllaah.
(4) Warning the
Muslims from evil, and advising them.
And that is of
various different types:
■ From them:
Criticizing those who have been criticized from the narrators (in the chains of
narration) and witnesses (in a court of law). And that is permissible according
to the consensus of the Muslims. Rather it is obligatory if there is a need to
do so.
■ And from them:
Seeking advice when looking to get married to a person, or having shares with
him (in a business etc), or when entrusting somebody with something (such as
money, gold etc), or when dealing with someone, or other than that, or when
looking to move in to a residence –a person asking regarding his prospective
neighbors. And it is obligatory upon the one being asked that he does not hide
anything regarding that person’s situation. Rather he mentions the negative
points, with the intention of advising the questioner.
■ And from them:
If he sees a person of knowledge and understanding of the religion who
frequents an innovator, or an open sinner – and takes knowledge from them – and
it is feared that the person of knowledge & understanding will be negatively
affected. [In such a case] it is upon him to advise him by making clear [that
person’s] situation; with the condition that his intention is to advise. And
this is from the things that people fall into error regarding, so it may be the
case that that which leads a person to do such [backbiting] is envy and
animosity, and the devil disguises that to him, and makes him think that it is
advice. So [a person should] take note and be shrewd regarding this.
■ And from them:
That a person has a position of authority but he does not carry out that which
is obligatory upon him; such as if he is inappropriate for that position
(unqualified), or he transgresses the bounds of his authority (i.e. he takes
advantage of his position of power), or he is negligent, and the like of that.
In this case it is obligatory to inform the ruler so that he is removed from
that position, and someone who is suitable is appointed in his place. Or he
[the ruler] knows of his situation so that he can be dealt with accordingly,
and so he [the ruler] is not deceived by him. Rather he [the ruler] strives to
admonish him, and encourage him with being upright, or he changes him [for
someone else that is suitable].
(5) That a person
is open with regards to his sin, or his innovation.
Such as the one who openly drinks wine, or
steals other people’s things, or takes taxes [from people’s wealth]
oppressively, or he takes charge of affairs of falsehood (such as innovations
etc) – in [the like] of these cases it is permissible to mention about him that
which he does openly, and it is forbidden to mention other than that from [his]
faults – except if there is another [valid] reason to mention them [from the
other five points].
(6) For the sake of identification.
So if a person was well- known by a ‘nickname’
such as ‘al-A`mash’ (the one who has severely impaired vision), or by
‘al-A`raj’ (the one who walks with a limp), or by ‘al-Asamm’ (the one who is
deaf), or by ‘al-A`maa’ (the one who is blind), or by ‘al-Ahwal’ (the one who
is cross-eyed); and other than that [from the nicknames] then it is permissible
to identify them with that. However it is forbidden to call a person with such
nicknames if the intent is to lower them. And if it is possible to identify
them with other than that, that is better and foremost.
So these
aforementioned six reasons the scholars have mentioned; most of them are agreed
upon [between the scholars]. And the proof for them are the famous narrations.
For better viewing kindly see original article here>>
Note: Posted with
kind permission
Posted by
_Hayaa bint Abdillaah_
Gheebah (Backbiting),
Imaam Nawawi,
Saad bin Dawud Burbank
“If there was nothing (of virtue) in seeking knowledge except (that it is a means for ones) nearness to the Lord of the worlds, and joining the world of angels, and companionship of the highest company... | Ibn al-Qayyim
7:52 AM - 21 Sep 2013
7:52 AM - 21 Sep 2013
(رحمه الله) said,
there was nothing (of virtue) in seeking knowledge except (that it is a means
for ones) nearness to the Lord of the worlds, and joining the world of angels,
and companionship of the highest company, it would be sufficient an honour and
virtue. Then how about (its virtue) when honour in this world and the hereafter
is attached to its attainment?”
‘Dâr Miftâhus-Sa’âdah’ (1/108)
by Abu Abdullâh Zubayr Abbasi حفظه الله
NOTE: Original text written in bold
letters. Kindly see the above link. Baarak Allaahu Feekum
Posted by
_Hayaa bint Abdillaah_
Eeman Booster,
Gems Of Knowledge,
Heart Softeners,
Imaam Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah,
The Hereafter,
The Provisions,
Weekly Gems,
Zubayr Abbasi
Without knowledge people would be like animals and a city without learning is not worth living in. Al S'adī said:
Al ‘Allāmah ‘Abd al-Raḥmān bin Nāṣir al-Sa’adī رحمة الله عليه
said, “Were it not for knowledge, people would be like
animals, stumbling in the dark, blindly wandering in misguidance. So it is the light one is guided by in the midst
of compounded darkness and is the life of the hearts and souls, and of the religion and the hereafter.
There is no
good in residing in a land that does not contain someone clarifying to people
the affairs of their religion and directing them with that which they direly
need in those affairs that befall them. Concerning one who imparts such
goodness and has such an impact, how could it
not be mandatory for every muslim to love and respect them, and to undertake their rights?”
Source: نبذة من آداب المعلمين والمتعلمين
Translation: Ustādh
Abu Suhailah Umar Quinn (حفظه
@AbooSuhailah |,
2/23/17, 4:00 PM
Posted by
_Hayaa bint Abdillaah_
Abu Suhailah 'Umar Quinn,
Gems Of Knowledge,
Shaykh Abdur-Rahman al-Sa'di
Sunday, July 15, 2018
What has been said with regard to the verse: "Remember Allāh when you forget." [Al-Kahf 24] | by Shaykh Ali al- Haddadi (حفظه الله)
واذكر ربك اذا نسيت
١-اذا نسيت ان تقول لامر
في المستقبل ان شاء الله فقلها اذا تذكرت
٢-اذكر الله اذا غضبت
٣-اذا نسيت شيئافاذكر
الله لتذكره
د.علي يحيى الحدادي
“Remember Allāh when you forget.” [Al-Kahf 24]
It has been
said [with regard to this]:
1. When you
forget to say “in shā Allāh” [if Allāh wills] about a future matter, say it
when you remember.
2. Remember Allāh
[in your heart and on your tongue] when you get angry.
3. When you
forget something, remember Allāh [in your heart and on your tongue] to remember
Translated by
Mikail ibn Mahboob Ariff حفظه الله
8/24/15, 12:10 AM
Posted by
_Hayaa bint Abdillaah_
Easy Peas,
Mikail ibn Mahboob Ariff,
Shaykh Ali al-Haddadi,
Shaykh Zayd Ibn Muhammad al Madhkhali رحمه الله stated:
Zayd Ibn Muhammad al Madhkhali رحمه الله stated:
every da’wah (call) done in the name of Islam and in the name of the
legislation of the best mankind (i.e. Muhammad ﷺ) and is not upon the
prophetic way, success will never be written for it, no matter how much
propaganda is put in place for it or how much it is pushed in the society.”
Al Ajwibat al Athariyyah pg: 192.
Translated by : Ustaadh Anwar Wright
17 Jan 2018, 6:03 AM
Posted by
_Hayaa bint Abdillaah_
Abu Suhayl Anwar Wright,
Naseeha (Words Of Advice),
Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhali
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Random Quote of the Day
Imām ash-Shāfi’ī
(d. 204 هـ - رحمه الله)
“If you see a
man walking on water and flying in the air then do not be tempted with
[enquiring about] him until you examine his affair upon the Qur’ān and Sunnah.”
Ibn Kathīr)
Source, 2/24/18, 6:33 AM
Source, 2/24/18, 6:33 AM
Posted by
_Hayaa bint Abdillaah_
Aboo Ruqayyah 'Abd us-Samad,
Deviated Sect,
Imaam ash-Shaaf'ee,
Look To Whom You Sit With...
قال الفضيل بن عياض رحمه
الله: إن لله ملائكة يطلبون حلق الذكر، فانظر مع من يكون مجلسك، لا يكون مع صا حب
بدعة: فإن الله تعالى لا ينظر إليهم، وعلامة النفاق أن يقوم الرجل ويقعد مع صاحب
بدعة، وأدركت خيار الناس كلهم أصحاب سنة وهم ينهون عن أصحاب البدعة
Ibn ‘Iyaad (may Allaah have mercy upon
him) said:
has angels that seek out the gatherings of remembrance (of Him), so look to
whom your sitting is with, let it not be with a person of bid’ah, since Allaah
will not look towards them, and the sign of hypocrisy is that a man stands and
sits with a person of bid’ah. And
I reached the best of people, all of them people of Sunnah and they (all)
warned against the people of bid’ah.”
١٠٤/٨ حلية الأولياء:
@AbuMaryamT //
Source:, 9/8/13, 1:44
Posted by
_Hayaa bint Abdillaah_
Abu Maryam Tariq,
Deviated Sect,
Innovations (Bid'aah),
The importance of 'Aqīdah!
Rabī’ al-Madkhalī said:
“By Allāh, there is no
value in knowing Fiqh or other than it if we have neglected Tawḥīd, and we have fallen into committing shirk with
Allāh the Most High. There is no benefit in this knowledge whatsoever. Even if
we memorise the Qur’ān, memorise the Ḥadith and memorise the books of Fiqh
whilst falling into the darknesses of shirk! There is no value in that and we
will not benefit from this knowledge ever!”
(Source: Marḥaban yā Tālib
al-‘Ilm page 111)
Markaz Salafi
Posted from:, 4/9/18, 3:49 PM
Posted by
_Hayaa bint Abdillaah_
Naseeha (Words Of Advice),
Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadi al-Madkhali,
Shirk (Polytheism),
Tawheed (Oneness Of God)
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