Thursday, June 7, 2018

Your Actions are Shown to Your Relatives & Your Family From the Deceased

Originally posted on September 14, 2015 by

Shaykh al-Albaanee rahimahullaah said in as-Saheehah vol. 6a, pp. 605:

“Indeed your actions are shown to your relatives and your family from the deceased; so if they are good then they rejoice because of that – and if they are other than that they say: ‘O Allaah do not cause them to die until you guide them, just as you have guided us’.”

Reported by Ahmad 3/64-165 with a chain of narration from Sufyaan from the one who heard Anas bin Maalik say: then he mentioned the narration – which is attributed to the Prophet sallAllaahu `alaihi wa sallam.
