Sunday, June 17, 2018

A woman's shyness is exhibited through... - by Shaykh 'Abdul Qadir al Junayd (حفظه الله)

صح عنهأنه قال:
 (إن مما أدرك الناس من كلام النبوة:إذا لم تستحي فاصنع ماشئت)
 فينبغي أن يظهر حياء المرأة في:
 "كلامها طريقة ولفظًا"
 "حجابها صفة ولونًا ولبسًا"
 "مشيها دخولًا وخروجًا، وتسوقًا وتنزهًا"
 "معاملتها أخذًا واعطاء،وبيعًا وشراء،وتطبيبًا وتمريضًا وتعلمًا وتعليما


It is authentically narrated from the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم that he said ,”Indeed, from what has reached the people from the speech of previous Prophets is the statement, “If you are not shy, then (you will) do as you wish.”

Thus, it is imperative that a woman’s shyness is exhibited through:

 Her manner of speech and the words selected

 Her hijab along with its color and how it is worn

 Her manner of walking when she enters or exits, whether in a marketplace or outing

 Her interactions with others whilst giving and taking, buying and selling, providing medical care as a doctor or nurse, whilst learning or teaching. 


Source:, 5/8/18/ 5:13 AM