Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Ruling of the Effects of the Tattoo Remaining on the Body


The Ruling of the Effects of the Tattoo Remaining on the Body

Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Abdullaah bin Baz –Rahimahullaah- (d. 1420 A.H.) said:

When a Muslim gets tattooed whilst in a state of ignorance of it being prohibited, or whilst he was young, then it is necessary for him to remove them after having knowledge that it is prohibited. However, if there is a hardship in removing it or harm, then repentance and seeking forgiveness is sufficient.

Majmoo al-Fatawa 10-44

Selected from the article: The Islamic Ruling on Tattoos (Part Five), Translated & Compiled by Abbas Abu Yahya  


Posted by Ustadh Abu Muhammad Al-Maghribi
