Tuesday, May 14, 2024

How divine remedies affect diseases



The heart was created to acquire knowledge of its Creator and to love Him, worship Him Alone, be content with Him, to be joyous loving Him and to feel satisfied with Him. The heart was also created to rely on Allāh, to love fo His Sake, hate for His Sake, to be loyal for His Sake, to be enemies of His enemies for His Sake and to remember Him always. The heart was created to love Him more than anyone or anything else, to have Hope in Him rather than anyone or anything else and to revere Him more than anything or anyone else. There is no joy, happiness, delight or sweetness except by acquiring such qualities, which are just like food, good health and life for the heart.When the heart looses its food, health and life, then sadness, grief and affliction will attack it from all sides and will remain with it.

The worst diseases that attack the heart are Shirk (polytheism, making partners with Allāh), sins, and forgetfulness, ignoring what Allāh likes and is pleased with, abandoning relating all matters to Him and not depending on Him for everything. Diseases of the heart also include relying  on other than Allāh, rejecting His decisions and doubting and ignoring His warnings and promises.

When one thinks about the diseases of the heart, he will find that the reasons that we mentioned are the only ones behind these ills.

Source: Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet , by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah, under the Chapter“How divine remedies affect diseases” p. 181, Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, 2003 

Book available here>> https://salafibookstore.com/product/healing-with-the-medicine-of-the-prophet-sallallahu-alaihi-wa-sallam