Friday, May 24, 2024

Ḥuṣain Ibn Miḥsan who said my paternal aunt said:

Fifth hadeeth

uain Ibn Misan who said my paternal aunt said:

I had a situation so I went to the Messenger of Allāh. So he said: You there; are you married? I responded: Yes. He then enquired: How do you treat your husband? I said: I do not fall short except in what I have no capability to do. He said: Look how you treat him because he is your paradise and your fire.

Ibn Abū Shaybah (7/47), Ibn S’ad (8/459), An-Nasā’ ī  in Ishratah al-Nisā and Amad (4/341). [TN] The Shaykh mentions some other sources and declares that this hadeeth is aī.

Selected from the book: The Structure of the Muslim Family,  under Fifth Hadeeth, page. 22, By the Noble Scholar Al-Allāmah, Shaykh Muammad Amān Al-Jamī, Translation: Hassan Somali, Reviewed and Edited: IIIN Publications, 2015.