Monday, May 3, 2021

Allah, the Most High, said: “And they were not commanded except that they should worship Allah alone, to be sincere to Him in Religion, upright and steadfast―and to perform the Prayers and pay the Zakāt, and that is the true religion.” (Al-Bayyinah: 5)


It was said to Abu ‘Ali Al-Fudayl bin ‘Iyād (d. 187H):

يا أبا علي، ما معنى أَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا؟ قال: “أخلصه وأصوبه”، قيل: ما أخلصه؟ وما أصوبه؟ قال: «إنَّ العمل إذا كان خالصًا ولم يكن صوابًا لم يُقبل، وإن كان صوابًا ولم يكن خالصًا فلم يُقبل، حتى يكون خالصًا صوابًا”، قيل: يا أبا علي، ما هو الخالص الصواب؟ قال: “الخالص: أن يكون لله، والصواب: أن يكون على السنة

O Abu Ali, what is the meaning of best in deeds? He replied: To make it sincere and correct. He was asked: What is meant by making it sincere and correct? He replied: If a deed is done sincerely but not correctly, it will not be accepted. And if it is done correctly but not sincerely, it will not be accepted - until it is done both sincerely and correctly. It was said: O Abu Ali, what is sincerity and what is correct? He replied: Sincerity is that the deeds is done purely for Allah and correct is that it is done according to the Sunnah.

Al-Imām Ibn Bāz (rahimahullāh) commented on these words of Fudayl binIyād (rahimahullāh) said:

فالاهتمام بإحسان العمل أعظم وأوْلى من الكثرة، فكون المؤمن يهتم بإخلاص العمل وتنقيته من الرياء وغيره من أنواع الشرك، ويهتم بمُطابقته للشريعة، وألا يكون فيه ابتداعٌ؛ هذا أهم من الكثرة

Making the deed correct (according to the Sunnah) is more important than quantity - and the servant must give importance to performing the deed sincerely for Allah and purifying it from riyā (i.e. showing off to impress the people) and other than that from the categories of Shirk. So a person is to give importance to making sure the deed complies with the Sharīah and that is free from innovation - that is more important that quantity.



Excerpted from the article Ikhlās (Sincerity): Its meaning and how to achieve it―and a word on avoiding the whisperings of Shaytān written by our teacher Ustādh Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahīd ‘Alam

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