the authority of Ibn Mas’ood – Radhiyallahu Anhu – from the messenger who said:
” When it was the night that I
went upon the night journey I met Ibraaheem in the seventh heaven- who said to me: “Oh Muhammad! Convey my salaams
to your Ummah and inform them that the soil of Jannah is good and its water is
sweet and fresh and it is ‘Qee’aan’ (i.e. a beautiful open plain, perfect
for cultivating) and that it is cultivated with: ‘Subhaanallah’ and ‘Al
Hamdullillah’ and ‘Laa illaaha illallah’ and ‘Laa Haula Wa Laa Quwwata Ilaa
(Collected by At Tabaraani in ‘Al Mu’jam al Kabeer’ and declared ‘Hasan’ by Shaikh Al Al baani in Saheehul Jaami’)
Translated by Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis (hafithahullaah)
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