Monday, November 30, 2020

Being Consistent in Memorising the Speech of Allah - Abu Muadh Taqweem Aslam | Salafi Audio Unlimited


NOTE: 6:28 mins Q&A session

QUESTION: What do you advice with learning & memorising the speech of Allah, ways of being persistent?... 

…there are several things that Scholars have mentioned about memorisation. Firstly they say as a prerequisite, you as an individual yourself look at your state of uprightness and your state in terms of sinning. If you are a person who is a sinner and has a lot of shortcoming with your obedience as a whole then you can expect that your memory will be affected and be in correlation to your level of your obedience and your state as a worshipper of Allah as a whole. So if you want to strengthen your memory, strengthen your obedience & your worship of Allah as a whole with all of your affairs; in your prayer, in your obedience to your parents,  in all of the mannerisms of obedience to Allah and that will impact on your ability to be able to memorise - abandoning your sins  but if you are a person who is constant upon sins then you cannot expect that you will become persistent or strong in memorisation.

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