بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Shaykh Rabee's website: www.rabee.net
حق الوالدين
فحقُّ الوالدَين لا يَسْقط ، ولو وقعا
في بدعة ،
ولو وقعَا في الشِّرك ، فإنهُ لا بُدَّ أن تصاحبهُما
في الدُّنيا مَعروفاً.
العلامة ربيع المدخلي شرح وصايا لقمان
الحكيم لابنه 92
The Rights of Parents
The rights of parents remain
even if they fell into innovation, even if they fell into shirk because it is necessary to accompany them in this worldly life with goodness.
Shaykh Rabī’ al-Madkhalī in his explanation
of the Advice of Luqmān the Wise to His Son, page 92
translation for https://hayaa0285.blogspot.com