Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Ash-Shahwa Al-Khafiyyah [The Subtle (Blameworthy) Desire]! - Ibn Taymiyyah | by The Salafi Centre of Manchester

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah [rahimahullaah] said, There are many cases where the Nufoos are mixed with Ash-Shahawaat Al-Khafiyyah [i.e. desires that are concealed, subtle etc] that corrupts its fulfilment of [perfect] love of Allaah, servitude to Him and establishment of the religion sincerely for the sake of Allaah, just as Shaddaad Ibn Aws [radiyallaahu-anhu] said, O Arabs! Indeed, the affair I fear for you the most is Riyaa and Shahwa Al-Khafiyyah. It was said to Abu Daawud As-Sijistaani, What is Ash-Shahwa Al-Khafiyyah? He said, Love of leadership'.

Majmoo Al-Fataawaa 10 /214-215