Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Obligation of Obedience to the Ruler even if they are sinful


Ibn Abī ‘Āsim reported in As-Sunnah (2/508) from ‘Adiyy Ibn Hātim (may Allah be pleased with him) that we said:

“O Messenger of Allah, we do not ask you regarding obedience to the ruler who has taqwā (who is pious and who fears Allah), and is good and rectifies. Rather, we are asking about the ruler who does such-and-such and such-and-such?” And he mentioned their evil traits. So the Prophet () answered: “Fear Allah! Listen to the ruler and obey him.”(Also reported by At-Tabarāni in Al-Kabīr, 17/101 , and authenticated by Al-Albāni in Dhilāl Al-Jannah)

Written & Translated by Shaikh Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wāhid Alam

Selected from: https://abukhadeejah.com/ahlus-sunnah-wal-jamaah-believe-that-rebellion-against-the-rulers-is-forbidden/ 


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