Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The Danger of the People of Innovation - خطورة أهل البدع


The Danger of the People of Innovation.

خطورة أهل البدع

قال العلامة ربيع بن هادي المدخلي حفظه الله:

إن أهل البدع أضر على الإسلام من اليهود والنصارى، قاله عدد من أئمة الإسلام الفحول منهم: ابن عقيل وشيخه أبو الفضل الهمداني وابن الجوزي وابن تيمية وغيرهم، ومنهم الشوكاني كرر هذا في تفسيره: أن أهل البدع أضر على الإسلام من اليهود والنصارى والزنادقة. لماذا؟ 

لأن كثيراً من الناس يثقون بهؤلاء فيقبلون أباطيلهم وضلالاتهم، ولا يثقون في اليهود والنصارى والزنادقة ولا يقبلون منهم شيئا فلا يتضررون، لكن ضررهم بهؤلاء الذين يُخدع بهم المسلمون ويقبلون منهم الترهات والأضاليل والباطل!!

[المجموع- شرح عقيدة السلف (٢/١١٤)]

 قناة العلامة ربيع بن هادي المدخلي 

Al Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadee Al makhdali- Allah preserve him said:

“Verily, The people of innovation are more harmful to Al-Islam than the jews and the christians”. A number of strong scholars of Al-Islam have said it. From them (the strong scholars) is Ibn ‘Aqeel and his teacher Al Hamdaani and also Ibn-l-jawzi and ibn Taymiyyah and other than them. And from them is As-shawkaani, He (As-shawkaani) mentioned it repeatedly in his Tafsir:” That the people of innovation are more harmful to Al islam than the jews and the christians and the zanadiqah (Those that deny the existence of Allaah). Why? This is because a lot of people trust those people (innovators), hence, they accept their falsehood and misguidance  and they do not trust the jews and the christians and the zanadiqah so they do not accept anything from them hence they are not harmed by them. However their harm is from these people (Innovators).Those that the muslims are deceived by. So they accept from them  (innovators’) their fables and their misguidance and their falsehood.

Al Majmoo – The explanation of Aqeedah of the salaf (Volume 2: Page 114). Author: Assaaboonee.

Taken from the telegram channel of Al Allaamah Rabee bin Haadee Al Makhdali


via https://www.salafinigeria.com/2017/02/16/danger-people-innovation/


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