Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The Purpose & Wisdom of Offering Nafal (Optional/Voluntary) Prayers at Home

من الحكمة أن الإنسان يصلي النافلة في بيته حتى يراه الصبيان فيتعلمون منه وحتى يقتدي به النساء وحتى لا يكون البيت مقبرة لا يصلي فيه.

(بلوغ المرام ج 3 ص 46)

ابن عتيمين



Shaykh Uthaymeen said:

Its from wisdom for a man to pray his voluntary prayers at home so his kids see him (pray) & learn from him, his womenfolk take his example & so the house isnt like a graveyard where he doesnt pray in it.

Translated by Bilal Nahim