Saturday, December 7, 2019

Beware of tale carrying

PD on January 9, 2017 – 12:40 PM

Ka’b رضي الله عنه:

"Beware of tale carrying, for indeed the tale carrier will not rest from the torment of the grave.

[موسوعة ابن أبي الدنيا]


Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn an-Naysābūrī: I said to Ibrāhīm ibn Thābit before leaving his gathering, “Advise me.”...

Muammad ibn al-usayn an-Naysābūrī:

I said to Ibrāhīm ibn Thābit before leaving his gathering, “Advise me.”
So he said, “Leave off that which you will come to regret.”

Narrated by al-Khaīb al-Baghdādī in at-Tārīkh al-Kabīr (6/49)

قال محمد بن الحسين النيسابوري:
قلت لإبراهيم بن ثابت وقت مفارقته أوصني،
فقال: (دع ما تندم عليه)

(٦/٤٩)رواه الخطيب في تاريخ بغداد

Translation by

9 May 19, 5:39 PM

Monday, December 2, 2019

The great muffassir Mujaahid رحمه الله said:..."

16 Dec 17, 4: 19 PM
The great muffassir Mujaahid رحمه الله  said:

You will not be from those who remember Allaah much up until you remember Allaah whilst (you are) standing, sitting and whilst you are lying down.

[Al-Adhkaar of Haafidh An-Nawawee p.10]

Trans. Source:

Random Quote of the Day

Ibn Hazm: May Allah make us from those who have been given success to do good and implement it, and to recognize what is required to rectify their soul. There is no one except that he has shortcomings; if he ponders over them then it will busy him from other things. Rasā’il 1/402

8:46 AM - 7 Mar 2018

Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee [rahimahullaah] said, “Good in Dunyah & Aakhirah is found in 5 characteristics: - by Imaam An-Nawawi

Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee [rahimahullaah] said, “Good in Dunyah & Aakhirah is found in 5 characteristics: Contentment, preventing harm, lawful income, Taqwah & reliance on Allaah in all situations.

Source: تهذيب الاسماء واللغات
1/55 – By Imaam An-Nawawi  [rahimahullaah]
10 Jan 18, 10:52 AM